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Chronicles of Fendram: Two Sided [Recruiting]

Nero Akuryoo

Hello, is everyone doing okay? Right, then let me welcome you to the recruiting thread for "Chronicles of Fendram". Since I don't wan to give too much of the game away here and also don't want you guys to think it's soemthing too basic, I ask you to please understand why I won't enter in details about it.

But what I can say about the game here is this: This game will take place in a High Fantasy world, filled with magic, different races, monters and all that good stuff. The general atmosphere of the game will be inspired in series like the Tales and Legend of the Heroes. The history will also be one of its main points, working with the basic idea of what you would expect from the start to work its way as it grows.

In the departament of mechanics, there I can be more specific. I don't plan to add too much extra features so the game is overwhelmed, but enough to give it a more fresh look.

Battle System: The battles will be played in side view, but they'll also have a positioning system, so you don't only have to care about the basic stuff, but also where to put you character. Other thing to know is that battles won't give any exp and will rarely give money.

Leveling: Leveling won't work as it normally works in the genre, since battles don't givr any exp to the player. Levels are actually art of the story's plot and so, they are only given in certaing occasions.

Market: The market is the true focus of the battles in the game. While the buying part will stay the same for most part as in other games, the selling will be reworked to make it more relevant to actually think before selling all your trash to the same vendor There'll also be extra ways to use money outside of buying items and equipment.

Relationships: One of the classics with most RPGs in the west recently, the game will have a feature where the player interacts with his part members to get to know them better and improve their realtionship. I'm making sure to put this on the list because the game story will have a heavy focus in the relationship between the characters.

World Map: It's they way through which the player will travel for the most part. From any big example that comes to mind the only one I can think of right know in they way Tales of Phantasi do, at leat from the PSX version foward. This will also be used the day/night feature.

Day/Night: Don't let this scare you development wise. This feature will be fairly simple, with time passing while the player travels through the word map and when he sleeps. Some things will only be available during the day or the night, but it's nothing that complicated.

There's also other features, but I'll write them in details after there's enough material to open a announcement thread for the game. Both because I want to make sure they'll fit inside the game and because potetial team members might want to discuss some of them and change it. But I hope this was enough to give you an idea of how the game will look and play. Now, for what kind of help I'm after:

Writting: This is one of the biggest. The game will have a big sotry, as well as lots of quests and NPCs. With just one person writting it would take a long time to finish everything. Also, I would really appreciate someone to proof read my texts. My grammar isn't my strongest point.

Art: Now, this is one of the first thing people will actually notice about the game, so it doesn't hurt to have some original work to show here. This like a logo, a custom window appearance, battlers, sprites, tilesets and everything else makes not only the game look mor eunique, but also helps to show how much works has gone into it. Not that all other parts don't show it, but let's behonest, we all know people like to judge a game by it's cover art.

Music: Wrapping the what I consider the "big three" when I think about game development in general, we have music. Now, being honest, I don't know how this works. I don't know if just one person can creat musics for a game alone or how someone can even do that. But what I know is that an original OST helps cement the game identity, so it would be nice having someone to help.

Mapper: Now, one of the positions I really want someone to help with. My mapping skills are average at best, and more than often I end up using badly my space when creating a map. So someone that's actually good with it would be welcome. The only restriciton is that we won't be using parallax maps in the game. for various reason. Game size and memory use ebing the biggest of the buncha. But we will be using Yanfly's recently launches "Doodads" plugin, so don't worry too much about the map looking too square.

And that's it for the posts that would be nice to have people helping. There's other positions that I could put here like eventers, having someone take care of the database and programmers for custom plugins. But I decided to not put them because of a team size issue, I wouldn't like too have too much of a big team unless I'm sure we could make it work. But if you think you could help with any of those, feel free to send me a message anyway, maybe you'll end up entering the team.

Now, about money. It's in my plan to release this game on steam or a similar platform. But until them, the game isn't going to make any funds. But once we gathered enoug support and the game starts making money the profit will be slipt evenly between the team members.

And this is it for the recruitment thread. If you're interest in helping just send me a message. I'll give you more details about the game and we'll talk about how we would work together to make it happen. Thanks for reading.
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Hey Nero! If your still running this project I would love to help. I'll do any of the following: Write the story and proof read the information. (However, I will need a prompt Sheet/Plan to go off) or Mapping. (I'm good at mapping and can rework the map as many times as you need to match your vision of each map. I will need the tilesets etc to use for the map obviously)