Well none specifically, just referring to any that are just simply a quick question with a quick answer.What useless threads?
Ahh makes sense, I almost wondered if that was why there was not one already.This has been brought up before and some of the big concerns were the speed of the website as chat boxes take a lot of resources from the server. Another concern is moderation, it takes a lot of man hours to make sure the chat is going well and no one breaks the rules. Then of course we have the fact that it may take away from the forum itself, less topics and messages due to everyone using the chat instead. I mean right now because we don't have an insane active forum it sounds like a fun idea but once we get 50-100 active members on at a time, the moderation will be a tough job.
Honestly after re-considering this thought, I can totally understand what issues would happen.I agree with @LTN Games . It is so easy, from prior experience, for chat boxes to get quickly off topic, and have people going down multiple rabbit trails. Some have already complained about the slow speed that this site has on their particular devices; this would likely snail down their slow speed even more. Thanks for the suggestion. :)