How much thought do we really put in to the costume design of our characters? How much "real-world" logic are we going to allow into our game(s)?
What are your personal methods? Do you give that one chick gravity-defying hair, knowing fully well that hair doesn't work that way IRL? Or do you give the island native barely anything at all, knowing fully well that he must be hella cold under that island loin cloth?
I'm curious... when designing costumes, what makes YOU tick? Do YOU apply real-world logic to your outfits?
Why or why not?
Talk to me!(x posted)
What are your personal methods? Do you give that one chick gravity-defying hair, knowing fully well that hair doesn't work that way IRL? Or do you give the island native barely anything at all, knowing fully well that he must be hella cold under that island loin cloth?
I'm curious... when designing costumes, what makes YOU tick? Do YOU apply real-world logic to your outfits?
Why or why not?
Talk to me!(x posted)