As an artist I just can point out that this is the worst way to find someone to help you.
It is not the artists job to attract you, you have to attract the artist. I guess everybody wants costum charater art for his/her game and so it is not like there are tons of people who just wait to help someone else with that.
Another point is that doing exclusive resources is often very frustrating, since many games get cancelled and the resources were then done for no use at all. Hours of work wasted, great.
So what could attract people:
Giving exact information what you need. Reference images, description and everything with the fact in mind that drawing a bust can take hours of someone else's time. Maybe someone likes the designs and jumps in because of that. Maybe someone knows resources that already exist and can help with linking to those. To be realistic, it is very rare to get more than exclusive 1-2 busts drawn for free.
The other choice is commissioning someone for money. You will need the same things anyway, images, description and so on, so that the artist can get close to what you have in mind.