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Berry's Happy to Meet You!


Global Moderator
I'm really bad with titles and introductions, but um...Hi! I'm Juneberry. I just got MV this week or so through a really epic sale I found. I also recently started using XP, and I've been playing with VX Ace for over a year. I plan to work hard to learn to make resources, but I also just want to work hard to make fun games. I hope to learn and get along with everyone!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Aww hello Juneberry and welcome to the forums! Have a lot of fun and feel free to ask if you need any help with the new engines :3 Although they're not too different from each other (but man, xp's mapping is a pain in the butt). Aww I'd love to see your resources! Anyway hope to see you around~


Resident Dragon
Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and remember, we don't bite.

...much. :P


Global Moderator
@Lore, thank you very much for assuring me I won't be eaten...hopefully.
I'm not sure what kind of questions to ask quite yet, but I usually have about a million in my head at once, so I'll be sure to figure out which ones to pluck out of there and onto paper (er, forum paper?) soon enough. :)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hello there and welcomes you to the forums! Although, please don't ask those million questions at once. Don't kill us with them.


Global Moderator
Don't worry @Cnal I don't plan to kill anyone. I'm a pacifist...Mostly. The only ones I'm sadistic towards is my characters. :D
But I will ask you one right off the bat: How do you say your username?

Also someone tell me where to get those shiny signature meters. And, y'know, an idea of what I'm doing right now.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness

Good, good. I'd like to live a long and good life. My username... hmm. I usually just say 'cnal' It sounds weird, but some people have just started using Canal. And I just shake my head at that.

I'm not sure what you mean by shiny signature meter. But, you can edit your signature by hovering over your name near the Inbox link and clicks the 'Signature'


Global Moderator
@Cnal - How do you mix the C and the N to say it? I wanna be saying it right! ;-; So far the best I've done is Canal or Kennal. Or...Seen All?

And I see- I mostly meant because I noticed a lot of people have a special meter about their projects and I found it interesting. It looks like they come from the same source to me.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
@Juneberry - You're making me question my own name and if I am really capable of saying it. I feel like I can't even say it anymore. Currently, I'm attempting to say it. It feels as if I'm saying Knal - with the L as if it were a double L. Then there's another attempt of saying it as Konel or something like that. But wow, I'm going to stick to Knal. Gods.

I, personally don't know how they made theirs but I, myself would make that kind of meter with photoshop or something similar.


Global Moderator
Hello and nice to meet you, @MinisterJay . Thank you for the warm welcome!

In regards to writing, I do a variety- poetry and prose alike. I seem to tend a lot towards SciFi and Fantasy in general, but I also like puns and comedic elements. I'm working on doing more serious things too, though, and have gotten good input in regards to a rather dark story I wrote earlier this year for a contest a friend was holding. Apparently it didn't just scare me. Now it's one of my favorite writing samples.