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BB [code] syntax highlight


I've noticed that - whilst language detection apparently is a thing - syntax highlighting is completely missing with the [code] tag.

The following appears all-white for myself;
// in-line comment
multi-line comment

int function( const int _arg )
    return _arg + 3;
On other forums I use the code would be syntax-highlighted, similar to;
// in-line comment
multi-line comment

int function( const int _arg )
return _arg + 3;


Staff member
Resource Team
Yes, it was either having it all white, or having it all super dark and super bright colors. There isn't a CSS for this, or any files to edit them that @HotfireLegend and I could fine. So we decided to go with just making it white. I'm sure he can explain a little better than I can with this :)


The code section is it's own block, you can force it to have a white background irrespective of theme, so colouring can then be applied.

Syntax colouring would be handled in JS (has been on every single forum I've administrated or moderated in the past).

Syntax colouring is very obviously missing when posting JS snippets, and a lot of MV support is JS related.
Making the actual code block background white... Why didn't I think of that?! Will do now!

EDIT: OK, done it. Still isn't pretty, and the syntax JS (which we can't edit) has some silly range of colours, like light grey and black and dark blue and light green so I can't just change it to black or similar, either.


Making the actual code block background white... Why didn't I think of that?! Will do now!

EDIT: OK, done it. Still isn't pretty, and the syntax JS (which we can't edit) has some silly range of colours, like light grey and black and dark blue and light green so I can't just change it to black or similar, either.
Why can't you edit it? Has it been obfuscated?

Edit: it's still a million times better than no syntax highlighting. Thank you very much for fixing this