Simple Window
// Window Object declared as a Function
function Window_SimpleCTB() {
// Initialize the object using the function that is defined below
// this refers to the Window Object, arguments will be x & y
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Window Object defined/created
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.constructor = Window_SimpleCTB;
// Note: The following are functions of Window_SimpleCTB
// Function: Initialize the object using x & y
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.initialize = function(x, y) {
var width = this.windowWidth();
var height = this.windowHeight();
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
// Function: Simply returns the width for the window (hard coded in this example)
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
return 240;
// Function: Simply returns the height for the window
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
return this.fittingHeight(1);
// Function: Refreshes the window
// Note: This is where the drawing happens
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.refresh = function() {
// x is set to textPadding() which is defined in Window_Base
// Q: What is textPadding?
// A: textPadding is the space before and after text in pixels, sort of like an offset
var x = this.textPadding();
// width is set to the width of the window - (textpading * 2)
var width = this.contents.width - this.textPadding() * 2;
// clear the window
// draws an icon
// (iconIndex, x, y)
this.drawIcon( 2, 0, 0);
// draws text
// (text, x, y, maxWidth, align)
this.drawText('Text', 36, 0, 80, 'left');
// Function: Opens the window
Window_SimpleCTB.prototype.open = function() {
Scene Menu
// Note: The following are functions of Scene_Menu
// Function: creates the scene
// Note: This is an overwrite of the menu scene not using an alias
Scene_Menu.prototype.create = function() {
// Calls the create function from Scene_MenuBase to help setup the basics of a scene
// Creates the command window (Item, Equip, Skill, Options, Save, Exit, Etc.)
// Creates the gold window
//Note: Created before the simple window because it is used for the 'y' position
// Creates the simple window using the function below
// Creates the status window
// Function: creates the simple window
Scene_Menu.prototype.createSimpleWindow = function() {
// Create the new simple window and add it to the Mene Scene's window list
// Create a new variable the calls the function of the object
// Window_SimpleCTB(x,y)
this._simpleWindow = new Window_SimpleCTB(0,0);
// Set the 'y' position and uses the gold window's height to find the right position
this._simpleWindow.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this._simpleWindow.height - this._goldWindow.height;
// Add the window using a function named addWindow defined in Scene_Menu