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Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
...What are you?

Why is your mood tired and why are you tired?

And of course... do you drink coffee?


I am an entity beyond the screen whose actions are too complicated to basically just someone who likes to make and play games, draw, and laze about all day.

Because it's almost 3 am where I am now and I should really be getting some rest XD

Nope. Never had coffee before actually.


Resident Dragon
What colour is your hair?
Do you have any allergies?
If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you want to go and why?


What colour is your hair?
Do you have any allergies?
If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you want to go and why?
My hair is a really dark brown, almost black.

Only allergy I have is to dust. Dust-covered rooms or closets make me sneeze and cough almost immediately.

I'd love to go to Japan. I've always wanted to go there and it just seems like a really beautiful and lively place.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
You're a designer. What is it that you like to design more often than most?

How did the name Dolorlpsum come to be?


Global Moderator
We know what color your hair is...Now, what color are your eyes?
Do you consider yourself tall, short or average height?
Why were you up until 3AM? (not that I wasn't...xD)


You're a designer. What is it that you like to design more often than most?

How did the name Dolorlpsum come to be?
Definitely characters. It's tons of fun showing personality and creating unique looks for them.

Actually came from a school assignment. In my digital design class, I'd always see the lorem ipsum filler text used for some tasks. Later, we had to make a fake company and design logos and stuff for it, and I chose to name mine Studio Dolorem. After that, I was trying to figure out a name to use for when I actually began publishing games. First idea was DoloremIpsum, then got shortened to DolorIpsum. And that is the silly origin of the name!

We know what color your hair is...Now, what color are your eyes?
Do you consider yourself tall, short or average height?
Why were you up until 3AM? (not that I wasn't...xD)
Just average brown.

I'd say I'm average height but I wish I was at least a bit taller (stuck at 5'1").

Because time flies when you're having fun! (glad) Also, college assignments, those too.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm frustrated that no one asks me questions anymore, so I've decided to deal with that frustration by asking others ridiculous questions! *cue evil laugh followed by coughfest*

So... how did you come to be a designer? What went wrong in your life that made you make this decision? :P


I'm frustrated that no one asks me questions anymore, so I've decided to deal with that frustration by asking others ridiculous questions! *cue evil laugh followed by coughfest*

So... how did you come to be a designer? What went wrong in your life that made you make this decision? :P
Gasp! How dare you!
Well, I'm not sure exactly, but I got more serious about designing and art in general at the beginning of high school. I made up tons of stories and characters and finally thought '"I want to do something with this!". And the rest is history.

Also, now that you say that... *goes to the AMA*


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
If a kid came up to you in the streets and said "the Devil is real and watching us!" what would you do?

Are you happy right now?

What's your favorite food?


Global Moderator
If it helps at all, you're still an inch taller than me. Giant. >:P

What do you do when you wake up in the morning?
When DO you tend to wake up?
What's your favorite thing to drink?


If a kid came up to you in the streets and said "the Devil is real and watching us!" what would you do?

Are you happy right now?

What's your favorite food?
Look around, say "Okay then" to the kid, and then just keep walking

Kinda tired, but yeah, I'm happy

Probably pizza, though chicken is a close second.

If it helps at all, you're still an inch taller than me. Giant. >:P

What do you do when you wake up in the morning?
When DO you tend to wake up?
What's your favorite thing to drink?
If I have morning classes, then I get ready and have breakfast, the usual. Otherwise, I just try to go back to sleep.

Either a couple hours before my classes or somewhere around 10 or 11 a.m. usually

Water xD, though I also like to drink Coca-Cola whenever I get the chance


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you have a water bottle on your table so you don't have to go the kitchen to get some water?

What is the fastest way and thing to do that is guaranteed to get you mad?

Do you like alligators?


Do you have a water bottle on your table so you don't have to go the kitchen to get some water?

What is the fastest way and thing to do that is guaranteed to get you mad?

Do you like alligators?
Yes I do actually

Mess with my things. I live in organized chaos and just hate if any of my stuff gets moved around

Well, I don't dislike them.


Global Moderator
Is your water bottle reusable? If so, where do you fill it (for example, do you use the tap? xD)
Do you collect anything (if so what)?
What's your favorite thing to make art with?


Is your water bottle reusable? If so, where do you fill it (for example, do you use the tap? xD)
Do you collect anything (if so what)?
What's your favorite thing to make art with?
No, it's not reusable. I should really get one that is though.

Hmm, maybe stuffed animals and plushies. I have so many lying around and want more whenever I see a really cute one xD

My tablet and pen! Though, I am growing very fond of using ink lately


Global Moderator
I play Pikachu the most in Smash in general too.I basically always go with either Pikachu or Kirby xD Why did you choose Pikachu? Any idea?

And...When you say you use ink, do you mean you use proper ink with a brush? Or do yo mean you use a pen? How do you use your ink?