Indie Dev

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Ask Biz anything!

Bizarre Monkey

"Ask not what the country can do for you, ask instead what you can do for Bizarre Monkey."
~Eric "Spoopy" Fielder.
"And why, pray tell, does Biz want to engage in naughty acts with him?" ~Mitch "Da' Raven" McLaughlin
"How does it feel to be rpg maker community's most hated man?" ~Reisen
"I just want to slap black blocks on this bitch" ~Bro

I'm the Bizarre Monkey, victim of a never-ending barrage of awesome fan art, enough anarchistic precedence to make Ned Kelly proud and enough interjected baseless slander to stagger a honky from Quebec.

Some seem to think I'm toxic, others think I'm a bag of mysteries to explore, other's say I'm the fairest they know. But what am i really?

Just a happy-go-lucky goofball with a severe lack of vitamin D and teeth around the lipleer sector of my face. I make video games, several of which are already here, indulge commonly in overzealous comedic exhibitions and just once or twice, say something wise or funny.

I've been depicted by artists from around as grumpy, to senile, to cheerful, to maliciously-grinning-evil-asshole, to mudslinger to bored coffee-drip bedroom dev.

Yet I get so much love and haven't the chance to answer much in return, but aha! That is why this Ask me Anything thread is now a... thing!

Ask away, my fellow com-padres! I will answer as soon as I am able.

Bizarre Monkey

How long have you been developing games?
Hm, it's been a while. Technically I drafted my first project when I was 14... which is, wow, 13 years ago now!

Back then I thought of it merely as a pipe-dream, too good to be true. It wasn't until I dropped out of school that I realized there was essentially nothing stopping me from doing whatever I could. So then I started using Microsoft Word to write out a bunch of idea games, then in ... I think it was 2006? I got the neverwinter Nights toolset, had a lot of fun with that.

Wasn't until late 2008 that I came upon RPGmaker.
what is an average(or guess) time to finish a project?
Depends on the scale and ambition. Menagerie for example, which is a monstrously large behemoth of a game-- took three years, but Intelligence took about 6 months to complete (Act 1).

A lot of it comes down to procrastination. For instance, a tight deadline always forces me to bash out something incredibly speedily. the first Perseverance, was done in about 12 days, and this was an ambitious character-action shooter game.

Essentially though, motivation, particularly of a deadline sort, will make me work like crazy, but on average, 3 months for a good demo, 8 months for a solid release. I have an absurd expectation of quality so I won't release something unless it's running as smoothly as possible.

What is your favorite feature of the site?
I think it'd have to be the modular way in which you submit games / resources.

Have you ever been pleasured by 30 bears?
Christ oh mighty, that's an old one.

Biz, what is your opinion about raptors?
Most justified characters in the Jurassic Park: Lost World Movie.

Man those humans were stupid.

Also raptors are radical.

Bizarre Monkey

Will you still continue to make bold, offensive and yet, legendary games as your great skill allows you to do? ^^
Oh, Absolutely! Even if for some absurd reason my whole team disappears over night, nothing will stop me! Nothing ever has.

Do you know the muffin man?
I do not.

I do like muffins, though! Unless... they have sultanas/raisins or dried fruit then pls no.

Bizarre Monkey

Sorry, asked it to everyone. Your turn.
What is your real name? (Full name that is) ^_^
I wouldn't just tell you, that'd be too easy! The information lies around somewhere, but oooOOOooo, the spooky mystery is that I won't tell you where.

My name, regardless of what it is, is meaningless information. There is nothing you could positively gain from knowing that information.


[Insert Member Title]
My name, regardless of what it is, is meaningless information. There is nothing you could positively gain from knowing that information.
Well okay 8)
I've asked a lot of people this on their AMA, and you're the first to not say, and to give a cool reason why as well :P
+1000 Respect

Bizarre Monkey

"Do you visit any cons?"

Someone asked me this a while ago when I didn't know what a 'con' by conventional context meant.

When I did find out I was empty handed...

Well, times change and you may be pleased to know that I will be attending SupaNova in Southbank, Brisbane on Saturday from mid-morning to late afternoon. So if you're in the down-under for whatever reason and wanna come see me, n' all my frikken greatness... come say hi!

I'll be bringing my two A4 art books so I may even be able to draw you something if I don't have a swarm of admirers, which I really don't think I will.
[doublepost=1450757895,1448589278][/doublepost]Okay I was dead wrong! Apparently people really dug my cosplay that I assembled in a single night.



Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Do you have a collection of voodoo dolls that look like all of the staff here? I feel like you would.
Sub-question: Does mine have dinosaur costume? *shifty eyes*​