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Some times when a person is banned it is not always the reason you think. You may be looking at a post then see it deleted but think it is about that subject when in truth it is not.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Some times when a person is banned it is not always the reason you think. You may be looking at a post then see it deleted but think it is about that subject when in truth it is not.
Yes exactly this too. For example Chibi who got banned, most people probably thought it was because of the Donation thread but in reality, it was because of a PM sent to the Admin. MadPumpkin and the many other accounts from the same guy got banned because of the many accounts created and because of the screenshots posted by a banned member. People who seen there topics may think it was because of what they said.

When it comes down to it, if you have something to say, feedback, suggestions about a certain topic like the Donation topic, create a new topic somewhere else and bring it up, do not hijack a topic, be sure to word it nice and professionally and leave any shitposting out of it. The points brought up may be excellent but if there is any trolling or shitposting it will be deleted or locked basically killing all the good points brought up and ruining any type of good discussion.

A good example of bringing up concerns is looking at @Amysaurus posts, most of hers are well brought up and understandable.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I have a lot of loyal voters who would think otherwise. (icecream)sage2016(icecream)

Right guys?

Yup, he has a lot of people backing him up on the fun factor, and any vanilla ice cream cones you see, are all his and everytime you give one away, just remember it's because @sage allows it to be.

A few more things I want to bring up is PMing staff members. I've recently learned that members who have any problems will PM an admin or a single mod and not multiple mods etc. Since I been here I've probably received 3 to 5 messages about issues on the forum and most of them were only simple issues, like a wrong section or unintended post etc. I have to say this if you have any problems, please PM me I am the Senior moderator and I know which actions to take right away, I know the forum software inside and out (minus the admin stuff) and I will involve more than one staff member if required and I don't bite, I'm a nice guy and do my best to stay neutral with everyone but if people are having issues and don't let me know I will never be able to help you. I will also inform all staff members to include me in their PM's about community issues from here on out. I'm not saying I'm the ultimate problem solver, I just know from past experiences that I have helped many people come to an understanding as to why things happen and how to fix a problem.

The next thing I'm going to try and solve over the next couple of days and shedding some light on this mysterious "censorship. I'm going to go through some of the major posts I remember where posts have been deleted and topic locked and see if I can bring anything up that will bring peoples mind at ease because I know from memory almost all problems were solved publicly in the open and I only ever delete a message if I have a legitmate reason for doing so.
That being said I think the best bet right now is for everyone to relax a bit take a breath, nothing major has happened here, a few temp bans and a few perma bans but they were all legitimate bannings and rules were broken. How often do you see these kind of topics in major communities like rpg maker web? I know a ton of people don't like the way things are done there and I also never see any make posts about it, not trying to say that's a good reason to be quiet about your problems, I'm just trying to get people to relax a bit. I myself promise to help clear things up, all I can offer is my time to helping you. Cheers for now, remember to smile :D and I'll ask @sage to give ice-cream to everyone.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I think a lot of people forget that the staff is just a group of members with extra privileges. It shouldn't be scary or even uncommon to discuss things with any of them.

A lot of these ranting/argumentative posts that pop up, in my opinion, stem from a lack of direct communication on everyone's part. We can't pin this on the staff, and we can't pin this on individual members of the staff. It seems like a lot of us, myself included, are wary of addressing a subject on our own most of the time. We notice a problem, but instead of nipping it in the bud, we let the issue eat at us until we find some sort of viable post to bring it up on. That's exactly what happened on the donation topic.

Some of us felt that asking for donations again was kind of excessive, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up... Repeat ad nauseam.

I don't think anybody in there brought up a bad point; however, I think all of those points deserved a topic for themselves. We were trying to juggle a ton of only tangentially-related subjects in a single topic. That rarely accomplishes anything beyond frustration, and I think that's very plain to see when the topic inevitably gets locked.

I think plenty of good can be done here without an explosive argument in every major post. As long as we're all willing to speak up and be honest about what's bothering us, consider the opposite side of a disagreement, and most importantly be respectful even in our disagreements, we can accomplish way more than we've been able to.


I think a lot of people forget that the staff is just a group of members with extra privileges. It shouldn't be scary or even uncommon to discuss things with any of them.

A lot of these ranting/argumentative posts that pop up, in my opinion, stem from a lack of direct communication on everyone's part. We can't pin this on the staff, and we can't pin this on individual members of the staff. It seems like a lot of us, myself included, are wary of addressing a subject on our own most of the time. We notice a problem, but instead of nipping it in the bud, we let the issue eat at us until we find some sort of viable post to bring it up on. That's exactly what happened on the donation topic.

Some of us felt that asking for donations again was kind of excessive, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up... Repeat ad nauseam.

I don't think anybody in there brought up a bad point; however, I think all of those points deserved a topic for themselves. We were trying to juggle a ton of only tangentially-related subjects in a single topic. That rarely accomplishes anything beyond frustration, and I think that's very plain to see when the topic inevitably gets locked.

I think plenty of good can be done here without an explosive argument in every major post. As long as we're all willing to speak up and be honest about what's bothering us, consider the opposite side of a disagreement, and most importantly be respectful even in our disagreements, we can accomplish way more than we've been able to.
I can't agree more with you. You put that perfectly.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I think a lot of people forget that the staff is just a group of members with extra privileges. It shouldn't be scary or even uncommon to discuss things with any of them.

A lot of these ranting/argumentative posts that pop up, in my opinion, stem from a lack of direct communication on everyone's part. We can't pin this on the staff, and we can't pin this on individual members of the staff. It seems like a lot of us, myself included, are wary of addressing a subject on our own most of the time. We notice a problem, but instead of nipping it in the bud, we let the issue eat at us until we find some sort of viable post to bring it up on. That's exactly what happened on the donation topic.

Some of us felt that asking for donations again was kind of excessive, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up, which stemmed into a different problem someone wanted to bring up... Repeat ad nauseam.

I don't think anybody in there brought up a bad point; however, I think all of those points deserved a topic for themselves. We were trying to juggle a ton of only tangentially-related subjects in a single topic. That rarely accomplishes anything beyond frustration, and I think that's very plain to see when the topic inevitably gets locked.

I think plenty of good can be done here without an explosive argument in every major post. As long as we're all willing to speak up and be honest about what's bothering us, consider the opposite side of a disagreement, and most importantly be respectful even in our disagreements, we can accomplish way more than we've been able to.
That is just it, very well said and maybe creating more topics like these will help solve these problems and get everyone on the same track. I know for a fact that posting publicly in a topic that is addressed to a specific problem can be very productive, everyone is going in with the right intentions. Whereas when a topic is hijacked with something that was not even thought about being a possibility, it becomes a disaster quickly. I also know that one on one convos with a member and a staff member can be a unique experience. Problems are solved quicker, the staff doesn't feel like they need to address everyone on the topic but instead can focus on the one member's suggestions, opinions, and thoughts in a single PM one on one. I believe more of these things can be very beneficial to the administration and the community as a whole and am more than willing to be a part of making this a better place for everyone.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Thank you so much @LTN Games that pretty much was the kind of explanation I was looking for and thank you for the transparency. I understand now. It is difficult to understand sometimes.
(I was buying food and ended up playing pokemon go, that's the reason for my linger absence, lol. Then i went home, fed the pets and my jacket got burned)

@Amysaurus worded it perfectly.

Some times when a person is banned it is not always the reason you think. You may be looking at a post then see it deleted but think it is about that subject when in truth it is not.
Yes...? But I think when the posts were still there I read them correctly. And I think members that have been here since at least February would notice if it was about some other certain event but it wasn't really. It was more like the "rage still in store" you know xD? Maybe. But I think it was really mainly concerning the topic of the thread.

About the banning I only knew about Biz being banned (and the reasons as well). Expected shin and the punpkin to get banned though because of the shitposting, spam and stuff. (But they're not bad people, they're just fans of pineapples)

@sage we'll never forget :,)


Resident Dragon
To sum it all up, and I think people tend to forget this as @Amysaurus said, the staff and admin are not just members with extra privileges & responsibilities, but are also only human, just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes, as much as I'm sure none of us like to admit it. The lesson here though, is that we need to learn from said mistakes and better ourselves. That, or steal all of @sage's ice cream. :D