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Twas suggested I make a thread here ^^

I draw a LOT (every day!) and so I can't show you everything of course... but here are some of my more recent pics. Feel free to asks me if you have any questions about ... any of it! Also I am greedy for feedback, so don't be shy hehe~

Nihil - OC for a story that's on hiatus

Bowie... drew this the night I found out he'd passed...

Testing out Live2D!

Witcher 3 fanart... I picked Yen hehe

Aeden - someone else's OC! But I love this pic xD

I'll keep this thread updated ^^
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Thank you guys!

@Unmercyful If you want to know more about the guy in that pic - Nihil is a steelslinger from the Shimmering Isles, where the blacksmiths have an almost mystical way of forging impossibly strong, sharp, light swords. And steelslingers are trained from birth to wield these swords! Some, like Nihil, travel overseas to the Continent where they get work as mercenaries/soldiers to make money in all the constant fighting that happens over there.

Here are the different expressions I wanted him to make in the game, but they are just sketches xD


Thank you @Iron Croc! Appreciated!

@Ravani Lestari Wow thank you! So you're an artist? Have you got an art thread I can see? I'll check out your stuff :D

Thanks for pointing that out @HotfireLegend I have fixed the link ^^

Might as well post the picture I drew that inspired my game here

And here's a character from a project that's on hiatus right now

Also here is a dumb gif of my chara Hugo casting a spell back when the game was going to be a visual novel...
Def not an animator :P

And two characters from the same project as the Nihil guy - Rishard in blue and Yohine in green


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Okay. Okay. I gushed about your art once. No, I gushed about it twice already and looking at your art here again I can't help but keep gushing about how amazing your stuff looks. (love)
However, I keep wondering what your art reminds me of. Some game, some cartoon, some anime...? I have that odd feeling that I've seen a similar art style to yours before... Eh. *shrugs* (cat)


Thank you @Millennium155 I absolutely love the Witcher games and I am currently reading sword of destiny ^^

Hmm, @Kaimen, well I have been on the internet posting art for years, maybe? I did the CGs for Actual Sunlight, maybe you saw? It was made in RPG Maker too and definitely made an impact

@Ravani Lestari Thanks for the links, I'll have a look!

@HotfireLegend Major looolll I am apparently bad at linking things? To make up for it, here is a bunch of my R&M fanart xD
From the opening of the pilot

The recipe for concentrated dark matter rap!

That moment before Morty lost his shit in the Purge episode xD
These better work!!