"Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY: installPackageLI.
It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing.
WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the application data!
Do you want to uninstall the existing application?"
not the best at android studio lmao...any help?
This error is basically a perfect storm of your device and your computer having a weird complaint. You will need to search on Google how to solve this particular problem.
The method I've seen is changing the Gradle version used, but this is slightly difficult if you have no idea what you're doing, so try to find a guide on Google. There's some info here;
Again, this error could be anything as it appears rarely due to only really happening when multiple rare issues align. I've personally never encountered it, so I'm going by what I know from Android development communities.
Hello again
If I want to edit something in my project, can I just Path to the previous version to edit some stuff? Because now when I want to edit some event I must be uninstall whole of project and re-install new one and star to play game at first. It so annoying.
Thank you
The www folder is compressed into the Android Assets, so you cannot send just your assets over to the APK. You will need to update the www folder and reinstall every time.
You might be able to use Instant Run, I don't believe it works with the assets folder, but maybe give it a try and see if it helps speed things up for you. Scroll down to About Instant Run on this page;
In the future, I might make a way to remotely test your game on Android - I considered this feature for a bit - but it will be rather complicated. Basically you'd turn your MV project into a webserver and remotely connect to it via LAN in the app. I'm not likely to build this feature any time soon (or at all) as I have many other projects going on right now (including work projects).