Indie Dev

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...and when you're close to the end, they're moving the end.


Hi everyone!

Unfortunately i got VXAce on my hands way to late, i think. I started experimenting around with it about 10 months ago. It was nice, fun and more than often frustrating. I'm just grateful the forums did exist and everyone did their best to help each other out. It was awesome. Seeing that kind of help existed, i decided to start a project without allowing myself to learn more about the engine. So i spend much time on paper, writing and noting everything i had in my head about my own little game. Little did i knew back then about MV. In fact, i didn't knew anything at all 'bout it. So my project began to take shape, after much work that is, but it did moved forward, you know, baby steps.

By now, i was about to upload a short game play video of the game, then it came. MV! ...and there i was with mixed feelings, standing there. I'm not complaining about MV, god no! I'm more than happy to be able to work with a more advanced engine of course, but after some research i found out that i cannot just transfer my own little game to MV so that everything works without a problem. I definitely didn't like that, that much. I was in a dilemma the last few days.

Move MV aside and work with Ace until my work is completed was my first option. That would mean that i wouldn't touch MV for a very long time to come. My other option was i use the tone of the game-notes on paper i already have and re-design the same thing on MV from scratch, with minor changes for the better, figures. That thought alone made my eyeballs pop out of my head, thinking of the massive amount of work i had to do, again.

Yesterday it came to me and i've reached a decision. I realized my dilemma wasn't a dilemma at all. It was never a question of 'what should i do?'. This is the point where i hate it to be a perfectionist, i don't like it a bit for it slows me down pretty frequently. But, i believe in the 'if you're gonna do something, then do it right' quote.

So i will stop bitchin' around about 'oh my little project, so much work' and all, and i will get to work. It's time to move forward and there's a lot to be done in MV. With the support of the RPGMaker MV community when needed (yey!) i expect to reach the progress which i had in Ace much more faster than the first time, but i understand that this will take me good 3-6 months back, if i'm lucky.

Damn, i'm never lucky, haha! But this doesn't mean i won't do it ;)

Thank you for reading this, be strong, be smart, never give up and may the code be ever in your favor!
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You can actually port your project to MV, you just need the Ace script (ace to MV converter) to make a set of export files. The exception is scripts. How much have you actually done?

That said, Ace may still be best for your game, given MV has some issues at the moment.


Well, i've got 'some' scripts alright... Actually i use about 12 but most of them exist already as plug-ins for MV. Thing is MV's character generator is very convenient for me to design npc's & animated enemies. Anyway, i'm about at 30% with my project.

Issues? What issues?...
Then I'd just use the porter and switch over.

The issues are memory leaking, crashing and general slowness, especially audio lag. Try the demo and see if any of these apply to you.


Will do, thanks HotfireLegend. I'll let you know if i have any issues.
By the way, i won't port my project. I've made already preparations to re-design the damn thing from scratch in MV.
[doublepost=1453821847,1453786429][/doublepost]I have downloaded, installed and played Beyond Reality's demo. Good work there HotfireLegend! You've put some effort there huh? (:

After playing for about 30 minutes, technically, i noticed the following:
-Easy, quick & smooth install
-No crashing, no general slowness of the game whatsoever
-There was an audio 'stutter' from time to time, i noticed that apparently the music may be responsible for it (not the sound effects, the music). It's not a major issue really, it was minimal but it got my attention nevertheless
-I had a 'problem' with the graphics. I've played the game in every resolution setting it supports in fullscreen. The default one (544*416) and the normal1 one (640*480) were 'pixelated' (was this project a port from VXAce? If so, it's normal then). The other ones were ok.
and that's all about the technicalities. Some minor issues but nothing major (:

If you wish some feedback/critic about the game itself, i could use my remaining 30 minutes that i still have and tell you what i think.
If not, that's ok too (:

Good job! (: