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An Intro.

T. Petrichor

I'm winging it, just got RPG Maker MV and have never made a game before.

Making an indie, slightly horror game. Shrouding myself (and the game) in mystery.
Sorry if I ask silly incredibly easy questions!


Praised Adventurer
Good evening, @T. Petrichor , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Go ahead with the easy questions, they're the ones I may stand a chance of being able to answer..!


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the sheer insanity that we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, because we are all here to help :)

Easy questions are fine - always remember that the silliest questions are the ones not asked. :)


Staff member
Hi and welcome to the community. What do you like about designing the most?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Slightly horror? We need much more horror than slightly.

Hello there and welcome to the forums and I hope you stay here and enjoy your stay! I wish you the best of luck with your project!

T. Petrichor

Well, slightly horror, slightly fantasy, trying to stay mysterious.

I like everything about designing! Its very rewarding, to create something and then be able to live it. Creating maps, characters, dialogue, puzzles, atmosphere, so on, so on ...

Thanks for the welcome!


Global Moderator
Nothing wrong with being mysterious, but I hope to learn more about you anyway! :)
Don't worry about taking your time and asking any 'silly' question you think of. I ask tons all the time and I've been at it for at least a month now.


Hey @T.P your project sounds interesting, what sort of puzzles are you making? aside from mechanics thats where I am in my game and its a fine line between impossible and cliche im finding.

T. Petrichor

Hey @T.P your project sounds interesting, what sort of puzzles are you making? aside from mechanics thats where I am in my game and its a fine line between impossible and cliche im finding.
I also have the cliche find the keys, but I also have a "type the code" puzzle.


I have several type the code puzzles in TOTL heh xD they're certainly fun ones since it doesn't give you the answer any easy way.
Have you got anything we can text :D

I also have the cliche find the keys, but I also have a "type the code" puzzle.
It's the only way! give them some stuff there used to and hopefully edge them towards your way of thinking so it's actually possible to figure out the later stages. That's what I'm going for anyway


Praised Adventurer
Have you got anything we can text :D

It's the only way! give them some stuff there used to and hopefully edge them towards your way of thinking so it's actually possible to figure out the later stages. That's what I'm going for anyway
lol not sure what you mean by that exactly. But I have a bunch of puzzles that unlock hidden treasures, other allies, and several unique items based on mythology/legends xP should prove fun.

T. Petrichor

While I have y'all here, anyone know of a way to have the game open on an entirely new map when opening it (after it purposely closes)?


Praised Adventurer
While I have y'all here, anyone know of a way to have the game open on an entirely new map when opening it (after it purposely closes)?
Do you mean before the title screen or something else? I'm honestly not sure I understand what you're asking myself. As far as having it change to a random map upon opening, that's easily done with eventing and random variables used to select which map (assuming you're wanting random map choosing that is). Otherwise, I'm not sure I know what you mean lol sorry!

T. Petrichor

Do you mean before the title screen or something else? I'm honestly not sure I understand what you're asking myself. As far as having it change to a random map upon opening, that's easily done with eventing and random variables used to select which map (assuming you're wanting random map choosing that is). Otherwise, I'm not sure I know what you mean lol sorry!
All good, I honestly don't even think it's possible. I'll work around it!


Praised Adventurer
All good, I honestly don't even think it's possible. I'll work around it!
It actually sounds like it is something that is possible. I'm not sure on the "how" part though since I'm not really sure what it is you're trying to do lol. Someone more experienced at things then me might know how though.


If I understand correctly I think it is got me thinking lol I want to figure it out

So you have a common event with an

"if "variableA" = 1 then add 1"

then after "If "variableA" = 2 turn on "random map switch""

then "if "random map switch" on set "variableB" to random between 1 and (how many maps you want)"

then "if "variablB" = 1 teleport to map 1, if "variableB" = 2 teleport to map 2"..... etc

Now here is the key (I think i haven't tried this im just imagining it will work)

before you close the game you set the variableA to 1, I imagine the trouble you have been having is that is you use a switch then it will teleport before the game actually closes, so what you do is have the parallel process turned on by the switch just before but allow the "variableA = 2" to actually start the teleporting.

Please tell me if this I said you have peak my interest!

T. Petrichor

I have yet to use variables! They are just confusing to me.

What I've done is auto-saved without the player knowing, turned on a switch and auto-synced it to EVERY save file, so when the game closes (purposely, for atmosphere and effect) the switch is still on when they open the auto save file and the correct events happen. But this limits me to only where the player has been -- I was hoping I could make it so they would open the game and it would take them to a map they have never been.

Is this something variables could do?


Praised Adventurer
@T. Petrichor ...

We're way beyond the realm of 'Introductions...' here; it may be preferable to open a new thread in the MV Support section; you'll attract more responses on the subject, I'm sure.
If you're just starting out, may I suggest whilst I'm here that a basic use of Switches, Variables and more will help you enormously..? There are several tutorials on this to be found; a 'dummy' Project, simply for exercising these concepts and trying out stuff will advance your main Project enormously, in my opinion. Just sayin'.


@T. Petrichor ...

We're way beyond the realm of 'Introductions...' here; it may be preferable to open a new thread in the MV Support section; you'll attract more responses on the subject, I'm sure.
If you're just starting out, may I suggest whilst I'm here that a basic use of Switches, Variables and more will help you enormously..? There are several tutorials on this to be found; a 'dummy' Project, simply for exercising these concepts and trying out stuff will advance your main Project enormously, in my opinion. Just sayin'.
This is true, I think it is possible but generally make your self-familiar with variables and switches before you do anything. Always happy to help though.
