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An another newbie reporting to duty

Hello All :)

Just saying hi to complete my profile.

I bought RPGMakerMV but to be honest i really just want to learn more about pixel art and try to creating something than anyone can use and share. But first I have a lot to read and experiment :)

Slowly but steadily I will start to share what I learn so you all can help me improve (and I promise to correctly use the beautiful search function and keep the newbie posts to a minimum :)

Cheers :)


Praised Adventurer
Good evening, @Joao Henriques , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Go right ahead with 'noobie' questions; they may well be the only ones I can answer, and even that is not certain..!
Luckily, there are many more experienced members, on all aspects of MV. Fire away..!


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums! :) Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for there is a fantastic community here. I'm a newbie to MV myself :)


Towns Guard
Welcome to the forum. Well, everyone starts out that way. Your plan sounds good and I look forward to what you are going to create!


Hello All :)

Just saying hi to complete my profile.

I bought RPGMakerMV but to be honest i really just want to learn more about pixel art and try to creating something than anyone can use and share. But first I have a lot to read and experiment :)

Slowly but steadily I will start to share what I learn so you all can help me improve (and I promise to correctly use the beautiful search function and keep the newbie posts to a minimum :)

Cheers :)
:) Hi I pixel art stuff, and If you wanna get good at it, try look for tutorials online.
Right now is a great time to start pixel arting because there is a lot of helpin community out there.
Good Luck, and I recommend using aseprite, it is what i use and is one of the best pixel art software out there.


Staff member
Hi Joao and welcome to the community. We have some awesome pixel artists, and many have had tutorials on making artwork.