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Amy's Pixel Place [Paid]


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Hey, I'm Amy! You may know me from one of my resource or art topics. :D

If you're looking for pixel art, you've come to the right place! I do a bit of everything, so feel free to shoot me a message if you have a custom order in mind.

My availability varies between months, but I'm more than happy to provide assistance with your project whenever possible. :kaoluv:

Work Samples:

Payment Options:
I accept payment through both Paypal* and Zelle.

*It will be your responsibility as the client to cover the Paypal fees. They will be included as a charge in the invoice.

Bulk Discounts:
  • Every 10th icon is free (for icons 64x64 or less only).
  • If you order 10 sprites or more, they’re $12 each instead of $15 (for sprites 48x48 or less only).
Terms & Conditions:
  • Credit is required.
  • No refunds once the initial concept/design is approved.
  • Pricing does not include commercial licensing for merchandise (i.e. tee shirts, prints, etc.).
  • Three edits are included in the price of the artwork - additional edits will cost extra, depending on the scale of the edits.

Contact Details:
The best ways to reach me are via:
  • Email: a.elise.hohman[at]
  • Twitter: @Amysaurus121
  • DM over the forum
Feel free to send me any questions you have, and thanks for stopping by!
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Forgive my ignorance, but are the VX Ace sprites/icons/tiles compatible with MV?
Excellent work by the way! :D
MV uses 48x48 px graphics whereas VX and Ace used 32x32 px ones. I don't think they're all that compatible unless converted or scaled or resized or generally edited. :)

Also, Amy, I read this thread title as "palace" and not "place". However looking at your work, it might as well be a palace. :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Rise Evil: Thanks :D
@Wiskersthefif: Thanks! They are, but for tiles I believe there is a certain plugin you have to use to set a different size as default. I'll list MV sprites as available once I get some time to practice them. :)
@Kaimen: D'awwwwwwww - thanks xD
[doublepost=1450157350,1446660758][/doublepost]Updated! I cleaned the layout up and updated a couple of prices. :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Rise Evil: DS+ Sprites are characters made in the style of the DS/DS+ resource packs for RPG Maker. :)
Here's a set of jesters I made, for example:


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Saint131: Thanks so much! I'll be sure and send a message your way when I start offering them. :)
[doublepost=1451336819,1451085792][/doublepost]Update: I'm booked through February at the moment, but feel free to send any questions my way - I'd be happy to answer them!

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
I'm liking what I see here. Though I am a bit skeptical about one of the rules. I'm not going to be a stickler about it, but if people are paying you to make a sprite for them and they use it in game, they should not be obligated to credit you unless it was free. At least this is how it works as far as my boyfriend making songs for people. He would get paid for every song, and once he gets paid, that song belongs to whoever paid for it, and even if my boyfriend made the song, he has no rights to be credited for making it, that is left up to the person who bought it.

Then again, different contracts could imply certain things. Though, basically what you are asking is that you will create the sprite for payment, but it doesn't belong to the person who paid for it. It just shouldn't be a rule, but perhaps more like a favor you can ask your clients if they do use your work. It makes your offer more attractive. Now if you want to up your prices and sell them the rights to that image, you can always do that as well. :)

I hope i'm not coming off the wrong way, I don't mean any harm, just trying to help out in case you didn't already know. I might have to come back and have you take all of my money.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Crediting is usually on a favor basis, but in RM communities especially most artists like having their work credited. It's usually more about keeping your work from being stolen than actually wanting your name in the project, unfortunately. The person who pays for the sprite owns it, though. Theft is just something I've had issues with before, and I'd like to avoid having happen again. >_>

I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, though, and it's something I'll take into consideration in the future. :)
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Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Ah okay, that is how it works with my boyfriend, he technically shouldn't even show me the tracks he makes. lol In my thread I just made, I offered a basic service and a full rights purchase option, where in the basic service, you don't buy the rights, but you also can't alter the image because I am being credited in the game, and if anyone were to mess up the image I made and then credit me, it would ruin reputation.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
That sounds like a good plan to me, and nice shop by the way!

We should try to collaborate sometime - I really like your drawing styles! (cat)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
and even if my boyfriend made the song, he has no rights to be credited for making it, that is left up to the person who bought it..
Wow... that is very harsh right there. Just imagine how sad it would be if not crediting artists was a thing in gaming. We wouldn't even know of all the Nobuo Uematsus, Yoko Shimomuras, Grant Kirkhopes, David Wises... etc.
I think it to be courteous to properly credit an artist, no matter if someone bought their work or not. Just not merely mentioning someone who has done hard work for a project is plainly rude, even if they could just say "well they got paid so what of it"? It's not much work to credit an artist. It's just a quick mention in the credits and people who are too lazy to do that or just don't care about that... well, let's just say that for those, I would not lift a finger.

Oh, and something on-topic actually: I like pixel-me. But I think I need a new outfit. That shirt must be so damn stinky after all that time. XD

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Wow... that is very harsh right there. Just imagine how sad it would be if not crediting artists was a thing in gaming. We wouldn't even know of all the Nobuo Uematsus, Yoko Shimomuras, Grant Kirkhopes, David Wises... etc.
I think it to be courteous to properly credit an artist, no matter if someone bought their work or not. Just not merely mentioning someone who has done hard work for a project is plainly rude, even if they could just say "well they got paid so what of it"? It's not much work to credit an artist. It's just a quick mention in the credits and people who are too lazy to do that or just don't care about that... well, let's just say that for those, I would not lift a finger.
It is harsh, but it also protects the investment. The composer of the music can always sell it to multiple people who buy the rights and then just have them situate their problem since the music doesn't belong to the composer anymore.

Uematsu most likely was under contract, and did not sell the music for full price or full rights, that is why he was credited. Otherwise, like Amy said, it is more of a favor to credit the author.

If a company buys the rights to music, they can either list the artist under the credits or list that it came from the development studio itself, but very rarely that happens because they want to be allow people that play the games to see where the music is coming from and who the original composer was, although they do have full rights to the music. it is more attractive to the game's audience to list the specific source.

That sounds like a good plan to me, and nice shop by the way!

We should try to collaborate sometime - I really like your drawing styles! (cat)
Thank you! I do believe that we should try that! If my shop gets some business, they are going to need the sprites for their custom characters, and that is where you come in. If you want, we can eventually work on some samples together and combine our efforts. :)