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Amy's Artwork

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I really like those two black-and-white characters. They're so cute~


You drew MV-tan, SGE is gonna go crazy. XD

I just finished redrawing one of my older characters: (cheeky)
Ooh, I recognize this one. Will you be drawing the others? I mean like, the other... characters... you drew her with? XD Dammit you know what I mean. Or not.


Dragon Goddess
These are all really nice, Amy! I really like your simple coloring style, it has so much charm! Hope to see more soon (cheeky)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Micro: Thanks! I'm a big fan of keeping things simple but fun, lol (cheeky)
@matthe815: That'd be a cute name. Keep your responses longer than one word please! ^^

I went ahead and drew some new eyes for the waitress, and redrew another character last night:
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Towns Guard
@Micro: Thanks! I'm a big fan of keeping things simple but fun, lol (cheeky)
@matthe815: That'd be a cute name. Keep your responses longer than one word please! ^^

I went ahead and drew some new eyes for the waitress, and redrew another character last night:
Lets name this devilish girl... Develee (Dev-a-lee)!
Man, where are all of your ideas coming from?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Lol! I'm just finally making some digital versions of what I drew in the "Concept Junk" section. Trust me, I don't normally come up with characters so quickly. (snicker)

Here's a couple more characters:
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I love them, these are so awesome. I like what you did to the first guy, all black & white, it's really unique. The girl on the right kind of reminds me of the girl in borderlands 2. Keep these coming I love them.


Dragon Goddess
They look great! That first girl is my favorite~

by the way, what kind of tablet do you use? (sorry if that has been answered elsewhere) my good friend's tablet broke, and she wants to get a new one so we've been looking into some


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team

I use an Intuos Draw tablet (the small version). I had a medium pen + touch tablet before, but I ended up selling it because it was too big to travel with. I'm liking it a lot so far (cheeky)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You and I definitely need to do a collab project at some point.
Never! She's mine lol. I agree though I would love to see Amy be a part of a project where she does a big chunk of art or sprites, I want to see your stuff in a damn game already. Do you have any old projects with some of your awesome art?

Bizarre Monkey

Never! She's mine lol. I agree though I would love to see Amy be a part of a project where she does a big chunk of art or sprites, I want to see your stuff in a damn game already. Do you have any old projects with some of your awesome art?
Huhuhu~ Whatever you think, dearest!

But yeah, I'd love a chance to make a small project where her artwork and stuff can be showcased so she'll get more of a spotlight. But right now I've got too many present responsibilities to take care of.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Nope nope - unfortunately I'm one of those cursed artists. Every time I get to work on a project, it never makes it to completion. (slanty) I do want to get a project out with my artwork in it, even if it's just for a portfolio, lol.

Bizarre Monkey

Well I'm on record for actually being able to release stuff, and on time.

I'll just need to free up my schedule some, it's busy now with game-dev work but it's about to get a lot busier.

Back to you though! Keep up the arts, Amy!
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Updated the main post to have... things! The latest thing I've drawn is some cover art for one of the PICO-8 games I've been helping with: