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Al Bhed Language [Deleted]

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Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
Soul submitted a new resource:

Al Bhed Language - Emulates the Al Bhed Language of the Al Bhed People.

SOUL_MV – Al Bhed Language

Author: Soulpour777

Plugin Description

This plugin allows you to emulate the Al Bhed Language of the Al Bhed People. What is Al Bhed Language? The Al Bhed language is spoken by the Al Bhed people. Working like a substitution cipher (a language system replacing certain letters with others), it shares the same syntax and grammar of English in the English versions of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. (Source: FF Wikia)
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Interesting if you want to create completly new languages (like for monsters). Not my case, but thanks, i may consider it in the future.


one of the ideas i have is a plugin to customize crits and miss. I know that there are some to execute common events on crits (didn't see one for miss), but it would be cool to have one to, lets say, if you trow a fireball and it will be crit, it will execute another spell instead, a custom fireball that have a bigger explosion and affect more enemies. In case of miss you can have common events like give a state to the involved in the miss: attacker will earn the state "angry" and defender will earn "confident" for example.
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