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AF Support: Wife Says Banana is Too Ripe

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Staff member
I need support for this issue. I am saying that there is no such thing as a banana being to over ripe. My wife says that a banana is inedible when its starts turning back black, on the inside. I debate that that is when it has those highest sugar content. I need someone to support me in this issue.


Staff member
Resource Team
All banana's are a go. No matter what, bananas are good, and healthy for you under every situation. Don't take my word for it however, this is just what my banana activist side is telling me. All bananas are equal, and should be treated as such! :3


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I have a friend who only eats bananas when they start to get black but she's a psycho vegan :D Bananas stay bananas, I eat them anyway+

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I personally don't like the taste of black bananas buttttttt, that don't mean they don't deserve to be loved. I love bananas, I even freeze them and eat them like popsicles, seriously, you should try it sometimes, just peel it and freeze it. You can even slice them into small coins, freeze them and put them in a blender and have banana icecream (icecream).
Actually, yes. As bananas ripen, the starch in the flesh is converted into sugar (with, I believe, glucose and fructose being the highest amount). This will continue until the starch providing the banana's structure and firmness has mostly turned into sugar. Basically, the blacker the banana gets, the more time the starch has to convert to sugar, meaning a much sweeter banana.

When the peel is completely black, most of the starch will have converted to sugar; that would be the time to "harvest" the banana inside. Even when the skin is almost completely black, they're still edible, often used in breads and make the SWEETEST smoothies!!

And of course (icecream) !!
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