So I want to make custom tilesets for my game but I have little to no idea on how to begin. I've been editing the ones on rpgmaker but I want to make one from scratch what should I do?
If you're editing tiles already, then I'll assume you have some tools that you like to work with, which is the starting point.
Are you a pretty good artist? If so, then you can just dive in and make whatever objects you like. I'd start with B tiles, since they don't need to be seemless. I probably wouldn't start with autotiles, since they require a somewhat complicated template to create.
In the event you are not an artist, I would start with boxy objects like chests and bookcases. Once you've made a chest, try putting different stuff in it. Same with the bookcase. That will give you a feel for light/shadow on simple objects.
It also might help to have a theme -- Halloween or whatever. Make a bunch of tiles related to that theme and try to make them look like they fit together.
That's pretty much it for starting. The main thing is to keep going! You might get very frustrated, or work for hours on some tiles only to suddenly realize that they aren't right and need to be scrapped. Just keep going!