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A Rough time..


So I started my first real project... And I've hit a wall. I can't make
maps, well not as good as I would like. I'm not trying to make this
top tier right away, but I'm not amazing at maps. I want to make
this game, but I wasn't sure if I could ask for help because I don't
have any money to throw down for it, and I wasn't sure if anyone
would help me for free.

I guess where I'm getting at is. Can anyone help me with my problem?
Like suggestions, and fixes. I'm not looking for handouts.. I just don't
want to give up on my first game..


Dragon Goddess
I would say, just do your best with your maps; they don't have to be perfect. just have fun and make whatever feels right, get inspiration from other games.

I'm sure if you made some maps and took screenshots, some of us could offer suggestions on how to improve it or what we think you're doing really well with, etc. don't fret! just tell your story--the main importance is always just having fun :)

you'll learn new things and get better as you go, that's always how it is when learning a new creative skill. you'll develop your own map-making style, I'm sure. have you tried looking at some other maps of similar styles? other RPG maker maps or just SNES games... that's how I get inspiration for my maps; and hey, those aren't perfect either haha

TLDR; just have fun and do your best. post screenies, we can probably help you.


Alright thanks, I just didn't want to make something then post
it and have everyone Love everything BUT the maps. I know
it doesn't have to be top notch but you know if you have people
go on a strait path through a dungeon its not very interesting haha.


Dragon Goddess
well, it sounds like you know not to make a straight path in the dungeon then xP hehe

like I said when I made my first dungeon i wasnt sure what to do either and I just kinda winged it. got better as I went and discovered what I liked to do. dont worry too much about people "not liking" something about your game; thinking like that will demotivate you for sure!

it's all a learning experience, especially because it's your first game y'know? dont be too hard on yourself!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I moved this to Mapping & Design. Uness your requesting 1 on 1 help, then I will move to Trade/comissions
.You know maps get easier and easier the more you do them. I love doing maps, probbably my favorite thing in developing a game.
I have this Tips & Tricks thread which may help you out in a number of ways. I also have a mapping workshop, I make free maps for you and send them to you. Not only is this a good deal but you will also learn by example. So take a look at those and come back if you want more help suggestions.


Wow thank you so much @LTN Games this means a lot
I almost gave up on my project. I will look at the T&T thread
for sure. And I guess I should as for a little help :3 so I
could learn from example ^-^

Thanks for moving it too, I actually wasn't sure where I
should have posted it.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yea no problem. I don't like seeing people having a hard time with maps, considering this is the one part of developing that makes the game unique and alive. It's the world your story is based in, so of course it should be an easy and fun process. I hope the T&T thread helps you out, if not I will gladly help you out more by discussing here.

Thanks for moving it too, I actually wasn't sure where I
should have posted it.
It's understandable, right now your a fairly new member it may take a bit of time to get the hang of the forums.


Towns Guard

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Often times, people are ashamed of what they have... or what they don't have.
The key is to doing the best you can with what you have. Don't be ashamed, either. OWN it! Be proud of it!
Aside from that, pretty much everything the others said is on point.

Bizarre Monkey

Believe in yourself!

No one is special by default, but all have the power to be!

I didn't get to where I am by doubting my talents. I embraced them, worked them... mastered them!

Don't give up! We all start somewhere.


Yeah don't give up you will keep getting better. If you are happy with it that's what matters. It's your style that makes your game special. :) I notice too many people rely on "advice" and lose track of their own dream because they try to "follow the crowd" or do what's considered "correct". Stick what you like and go from there. Just my 2c.

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
You don't always have to make them interesting, but make them fitting to the situation, the story, etc.

As an example, the first map you play on in my game is an iron mine. The layout isn't tricky nor is it pretty or beautiful. A mine has a fairly simple and linear design. Kind of like an ant hill and the tunnels they make, leading to a very large core in the center. However, mine didn't have a very large core in the center, but it is one of many entrances to the same area, but just one strand (or tunnel) of many you can find around the map you enter when exiting the mines.

When you get more into the story and start entering more interesting maps, that is when you be more and more creative. You do not want to repeat the same scenery or simply mask the same map with a different texture or colors. However, by the time you have made your first few basic maps for the beginning of the game, I am pretty sure you will have acquired the map-making skills you will need to make more diverse maps. You will be begging for ways to be unique with your map-making, you will even want to do the entire game in parallax maps.

Trust me when I say this though. Do not create a game for other people. Create the game you want to play. If you are not satisfied with your maps, then find ways to alter and fix them to your liking. :) Keep up the good work and don't put yourself down over a few maps. You'll be a pro in no time once you realize that the default tilesets are actually extremely limited.