This is something I've been planning for a bit and I'm finally going to start on it (and hopefully one day finish it).
This will be a 3D battle system in the style of HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth (See the video below from 0:30 onwards)
The plan is to eventually have something working just like that video.
The battle system works by controlling the position of each actor on the field and then attacking with a given area of effect for a weapon/skill/item. Everything within that area is hit.
The base Plugin (version 1.0) will be a simple 3D battle field (graphics similar to Mode 7) with a 3rd person camera on the actor sprites with battle actions dependant on the radius of the actor (configurable at first). This will be a very basic 3D turn-based battle system with movement. It should be able to be dropped into MV with no changes and instantly work with the default MV battle setup.
From there, I'll be adding additional features to make it more complex and closer to the Neptunia Re;Birth system; these will depend on the main plugin so they will be features that can be toggled as part of the Plugin's parameters.
The first task is to create a 3D battle field with a camera. I'm going to be using the battle background layers for this definition (layer 1 would be the floor texture, layer 2 would be the sky texture). I'll need to think about indoor scenes (I may use the layer 2 file-name as a way to define if it should be used as a sky or a wall).
For this, I'll be using the JS Canvas to keep support for non-WebGL, but I plan on having a WebGL system primarily for performance reasons and so fancy 3D models, lighting, etc can be used. For this, my secondary goal is a basic 3D API for MV scripts, which I will most likely release as a separate developer Plugin.
I'll be documenting progress here.
This will be a 3D battle system in the style of HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth (See the video below from 0:30 onwards)
The battle system works by controlling the position of each actor on the field and then attacking with a given area of effect for a weapon/skill/item. Everything within that area is hit.
The base Plugin (version 1.0) will be a simple 3D battle field (graphics similar to Mode 7) with a 3rd person camera on the actor sprites with battle actions dependant on the radius of the actor (configurable at first). This will be a very basic 3D turn-based battle system with movement. It should be able to be dropped into MV with no changes and instantly work with the default MV battle setup.
From there, I'll be adding additional features to make it more complex and closer to the Neptunia Re;Birth system; these will depend on the main plugin so they will be features that can be toggled as part of the Plugin's parameters.
The first task is to create a 3D battle field with a camera. I'm going to be using the battle background layers for this definition (layer 1 would be the floor texture, layer 2 would be the sky texture). I'll need to think about indoor scenes (I may use the layer 2 file-name as a way to define if it should be used as a sky or a wall).
For this, I'll be using the JS Canvas to keep support for non-WebGL, but I plan on having a WebGL system primarily for performance reasons and so fancy 3D models, lighting, etc can be used. For this, my secondary goal is a basic 3D API for MV scripts, which I will most likely release as a separate developer Plugin.
I'll be documenting progress here.