Hello everyone! Today marks a HUGE historical moment for us, at RMMV.co! We're proud to inform you all that we just hit 10,000 members! This is something that I personally haven't ever seen on any website I've ever owned in the past. This moment is outstanding, and something to be treasured. As such, I gave EVERYONE who is apart of the 10,000 members a 10,000 member Medal! You can now display it via your profile!
For such an event, what better day to post the HUGE UPDATE than today!
This update is something that should help out developers, be it game dev, or resource dev. The resource section of the forum is also now a marketplace. You're now able to sell your Games and Resources directly through our website. No more needing to go to a third party site to sell your product.
Steam charges you a one time payment of $99, as well as takes 30%-40% per sale you make. This leaves you with only 60%-70% of the funds. We, on the other hand, do NOT charge a one time payment, and we only take 20% of the funds.
There will be a tutorial up later today that will display how to sell, and how to buy/download the products after you've purchased them.
This is a great thing, as now developers can do countless things with their resources. They can have a free version up for non-commercial use, and make a sell version that is for Commercial use. They can simply make a resource for sale, and even sell their game to gaming websites. You can require your product to require a url in order to download it. This way, if you sell your game to a website so they can upload it to their site, you can track to see if they actually upload it to that site, as well as monitor to see if anyone is using your game on their site illegally.
If you have any questions on the HUGE UPDATE! Let me know below.