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  1. DrakeLolz

    [Terrax Lighting System] - How do I remove the "black" part?

    As I browse around the great and powerful interwebz, I've been on a quest to locate a lighting plugin of some sort. Then, all fingers pointed to a plugin called Terrax Lighting System. I was like "Yeah, let's go!" The features seems nice, I like it, it might work well but, then I come across an...
  2. N

    Using variable as part of an identifier

    Hi! So in my game I use conditional branches to check the percentage of HP, MP, etc and for example if the result is 50 the game will show a life bar only half full using a Show picture event. The thing is I have several HUD items (HP, MP, Exp, and a couple more) and it takes about 400-500...
  3. Joshua Amado

    Looking For a JavaScripter

    Hello Everyone, My name is Joshua I am the Ceo of a small gaming company called BioStorm Studios. We are currently looking for a Java Scripter who can create a few scripts for Our game The Fall of Neries. There is a cash incentive dependant on the scripts written and quality of them. The most...
  4. N

    Refreshing an event's speed

    Hi! So I have a common event that gives knockback via movement route to a map event with a speed of 5, and I want to use $gameMap.event(1).setMoveSpeed to restore the event page's default speed once the movement route finishes. How can I get the event page's default speed? Thank you for your...
  5. CynicSyndrome

    Event Script

    Inside an event I want to take the difference between two variables and store it as a third variable. I have found no way to do this and I think that means it will fall under the "script" option. is that right? I know nothing about javascript. can anyone explain to me how I'd accomplish this?
  6. Bizarre Monkey

    Plugin Port Request: Batch Event Collision and Collision Checking

    Hello folks. My usual supplier of the codemonkey bizness is MIA and I don't know for how long and I can't keep waiting around. I can't imagine this should be too difficult for anyone who's into coding. What do I want? A port of a VX Ace script I had made at my request by Omegas7, into a plugin...
  7. npfkey.log

    [Scripting]need like review of rpg_js

    rpgmv of rpg_core , rpg_objects , rpg_windows main rpg_manager, rpg_scenes , rpg_sprites plugins need a througouly explaination of each script and reason why they there and xplaintion of each script, is of each part so someone help me make a blog / website explaining rpgmv core...
  8. Wimpbox

    [VX Ace] EarthBound Beginnings/Dragon Quest styled battle windows script request

    Not sure if this may be the right forum where i could request a RGSS3 script, but anyways i'm telling it right here. I'd want to tell you guys to make a modified version of the default battle system basing it off from the battle windows from EarthBound Beginnings (MOTHER 1 in Japan). Here's a...
  9. Rise Evil

    Yanfly's Youtube Channel

    I don't remember if we post anything concerning Yanfly about all the infos he provided to prople through his channel. If not, here's a link to his channel. You should watch his YEP series as well ^^
  10. DevoidOS

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    Hey guys I'm pretty sure that some of you already know some JavaScript. But many of y'all don't. So I've decided to make this thread into where you can share your JavaScript knowledge with the ones who don't. Beginner: Let's get you started with learning most of the important parts for...
  11. FelixSynth

    What scripts would you like made?

    What scripts do you guys want made for RPG Maker MV? Suggested Already: Battle Related Action Battle Mode Battle Transformations Battle Voices Limited Item Use Command Input/Combo to Execute Skill QTE-style combo system Enemy Health Bars Auto Battle for certain party member Attack Elements...