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rpg maker

  1. CM Games

    My Art Ideas for My games.

    Just want to share some of my sketches for my game's DUST, Water House, UM, Another Tail, and GOD World. "The boy" DUST character "the boy" holding the young earth tree. Water House main protagonist "young Nana" with their flooded house. Another Tail's characters (from left to...
  2. Storytailor

    What Are Your RM Goals?

    Ultimately, what is your hope with RPG Maker MV (large scale, small scale, long-term, short-term)? Are you looking to commercially sell your product across multiple online stores, or is this all about having a fun little hobby and making things for yourself and maybe a few others? Is game making...
  3. Storytailor

    How Do You Plan Your RPG?

    Hello RM community! Yesterday I lost my hand-written timeline for my game's development. Nothing too strict, just a preference of what order I wanted to do what in, general "how long I want this to take" notes, detailed lists of what exactly needs to get done and what I need to find... but it...
  4. Xyphien

    What donations/Sponsors/Partners do for RMMV

    Hello everyone, this post is going to shed some light on what your donation, sponsor, partner, as well as the one ad we have on the site does for RMMV. I'm probably one of the very few 1% that do not host websites for money, but for a service. I own GameHandout which I giveaway real, 100% legal...
  5. Storytailor

    RPG Maker Approaches... Anyone Else Scared?

    I have this strange twinge of fear as the RPG Maker's release date approaches. While I'm excited to get things underway, I feel so unprepared - I'm in the middle of midterms, my wife and I are getting used to the married life, we have some major happenings the next couple weeks, and I work...
  6. Xyphien

    IOS Export Requires Mac

    So... Apparently to export to the IOS for Mac, and for Apple mobile devices, you're going to actually need to do it on a mac. This is a huge setback for what I was planning, but I guess with this amazing community, someone here has a mac and might be willing to make exports for games. How do...
  7. Ally


    in collaboration with ROOLER Presents - Background The Empire of Kharrad lies on the island who bears the same name, pacific from thousand years ago: very similar in architecture, structure and society to the european middle-ages, the empire is under the control of His Imperial Majesty...
  8. Xyphien

    Potential Future Theme?

    So, I was looking into some new Styles/Themes, and decided to give this a try. How would you all feel about something similar to this? *Of course RPG Maker MV* Will be changed to whatever banner we have at the time "Or edit it to match the size" You all want something more RPGish / RMish...
  9. Trumully

    Showcase Website! (WIP)

    Okay guys, I'm thinking of developing this website (Which was originally a blog) into an RPG Maker showcase website! The website at the moment is just a plain, untouched template (other than the text). But, what do you guys think?
  10. Xyphien

    MV Previews

    Here will be all the latest previews/leaks for RPG Maker: rpg maker mv will come with Fantasy + Sci-Fi tilesets on release if you pre-order the program. The character creator is something that looks absolutely amazing, and with this sprite sheet, you should be able to make some amazing...