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  1. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Imported

    I notice in Yanfly's plugins he puts var Imported = Imported || {};Imported.YEP_VictoryAftermath = true; I am curious if this is a good practice? I'm assuming it's great for compatibility reasons, considering I've recently had to make one of my plugins compatible with Yanfly's Victory Aftermath...
  2. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Plugin Command Arguments

    So after playing around with the plugin command method, I noticed a few strange issues with it. For starters what if someone else is using the same command name as me, for example: I use CutomPop in my script for a plugin call, but what if someone else used this in their scripts, would this not...
  3. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Script Call Function

    I'm not sure the best way to explain this but I'm trying to create a function that can be called through a script call in an event. I'm trying to allow the contents of my window be changed via a script call, basically allowing me to set the icon and the text through a function I create. Here is...
  4. PHLiM2

    I've made a few plugins.

    Most of these are very simple edits, except for the location window. That one was a nightmare until I remembered that the map has a note box. XI You may have problems with the Window_BattleStatus plugin if you're using a low...
  5. LTN Games

    How To Install Plugins

    Just getting a head start on the support questions and making this little tutorial to teach those new to RM and MV how to install the plugins. If you would rather see a video explaining how to install plugins check out this. 1. Open your project folder 2. Open the js folder 3. Open the...
  6. DevoidOS

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    Hey guys I'm pretty sure that some of you already know some JavaScript. But many of y'all don't. So I've decided to make this thread into where you can share your JavaScript knowledge with the ones who don't. Beginner: Let's get you started with learning most of the important parts for...