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  1. ddblue0

    When using Galv's MV Layers plugin and Khas Advanced Lighting plugin together, there is a framedrop every 5-10 seconds. Can anything be done?

    Hello. As explained in the title, using Galv's MV Layers along with Khas Advanced Lighting results in a framedrop every 5-10 seconds. The console displays this whenever it occurs: [Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took 1816ms I'd switch plugins, but layers are obviously very...
  2. G

    [RMMV] [Plugin Request] Stackable States

    Short: Stacking states causes those states' effects to increase in potency, and in turn, this requires healing abilities to remove certain amounts of stacks rather than entire stacks at once. Long: This plugin would bring a simplified and straightforward method of incorporating stackable...
  3. Sonicfx07

    Completed Gun Based Action Combat

    Hi guys, This time I need a unique kind of combat system for my game. How I plan on making it work is battles are real time and are initiated by touching an enemy on the "outside" or "inside" map. Overworld map battles are initiated at random where no enemies are seen wandering. When in battle...
  4. Goldblaze

    MV Proximity-Based Event Fading

    Hi, I've been to figure out how to make a system that will fade in events seamlessly as the player gets within a certain radius of them. An example would be a platform that would fade in when the player is within 3 tiles of that event, and when the player moves out of that range, the event fades...
  5. LTN Games

    FeniXCLI - Open source RPG Maker MV plugin development tool

    FeniXCLI - Open source RPG Maker MV plugin development tool FeniXCLI is a lightweight, easy to use RPG Maker MV plugin development CLI that helps you generate and setup entire project with no configuration required, just an easy to follow guided setup. It helps you develop plugins for RPG Maker...
  6. O

    Specifics of plugin coding - Scene flow and API

    Hey guys! Background I wanted to do a scene from scratch - something pretty different which has physics, some collision detection in "real time" and so on. So obviously I started working on my own plugin, but I could not find very good documentation of the engine anywhere. I want to really...
  7. Run


    Hi everyone! I'm a script developer returning from an almost 2 years absence. I thought that was long enough to be posting a new introduction thread, so here it is. I originally got into RPG Maker 10 or so years ago for fun, always had an interest in game development. I eventually moved from...
  8. jaye

    Can you edit plugins?

    Is it legal or can you freely edit the default plugins with RMMV? Just for the project (commercial/free) not to share.
  9. Isaac The Red

    Found some plugins for some cool stuff~

    Mr. Trival is a plugin scripter, he has plugins. they are here: I only just recently found these plugins while wandering around the internet. There's some nifty stuff here, figured I'd give it a share, He just released a Quest Log plugin...
  10. Lark Monster

    FFVIII Style Draw System Tutorial

    Hello! I thought I would share a quick tutorial on how to make your own Draw System similar to what you see in the game Final Fantasy VIII. In this tutorial we are going to give our Mage a new skilled called Draw. Using this skill, we are going to Draw magic from our enemies. Once our Mage has...
  11. Praygon

    Is it possible to turn Plugins on and off ingame?

    Hello everyone. Firstly if this is in the wrong forum my apologies, feel free to inform me if i've done goofed and ill move this post to the correct place. Secondly I want to know is it possible to disable and activate Certain plugins via a script or event call in game. An example of what im...
  12. MinisterJay

    We Have Reached 300 PLUGINS!

    Congratulations . We have reached 300 PLUGINS. I also would to thank all of our plugin submitters. They are a major part of this achievement.
  13. LTN Games

    Plugin Time Control/Travel

    I've been developing a time control/travel system, it actually started out as a normal and basic time system for my current project about 2months ago I left it aside only to come back to it last week. In my free time I've been developing more features for it, so far I have the basic time system...
  14. bitheart

    Problem with Bitmaps AddChild();

    I have encountered a problem when drawing different images depending on the index of Window_title_command. Each time i press the arrow_down button a new instance of a bitmap gets drawn on top of an existing one. This can be really annoying when using transparent images. is there a way to swap...
  15. yaboyhisoka

    Type Error from AnimatedSVEnemies

    With the plugin "AnimatedSVEnemies" I get the type error "cannot read property of 'toLowerCase' undefined." I have no idea what to do about this, so any help is appreciated. I attached the error log it gave me.
  16. Beminfire

    Need Various Hospital Resources

    Hi, I'm using MV to make a horror game. I already have experience with VXA and it looks like I already know everything I need to know. Now to the request. In order to make my game I will need these: - Hospital Tileset - Hospital Patient Sprites - Hospital Doctors/Nurses Sprites - Monster...
  17. TheGameFreak

    Change Terms in Database while in-game?

    Is it possible to change the Terms in Database while you're in-game? I didn't find it yet. Is there a solution for this or maybe a plugin?
  18. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Window_MenuStatus TP gauage ?

    I looked and looked through the Window core and I can't find where it draws the tp gauge in the status section of the main menu when tp is active in the database. Inside the Window_MenuStatus is a drawItemStatus and inside that is drawActorSimpleStatus, but within that is only mp, tp, name etc...
  19. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Regular Expressions

    I am having a hell of a time getting my regular expression to match properly, my first regular expression worked well as far as I know, but now that I need to account for a double-digit number, every time I get the output of the match it's only a piece of what I am trying to capture. First of...
  20. LTN Games

    [Scripting]Centering drawTextEx

    Curious how one would go about centering drawTextEx according to the windows width? I mean I understand how to do it, but a bit stuck on getting it done correctly. So this is what I attempted... var tx = LTN.Param.windowWidth / 2 ; Assuming this would center the X value of the text properly...