Indie Dev

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  1. Rob Lannan

    Music Music Ideas

    Base Rift for my Game (Loop) - and also a Longer Loop called Intentions The Bass rift is for small maps, general travel and just a everyday state. While Intentions is for larger world size maps, suppose to provide a sense of calm and suspense at times. They are a work in Progress but feel...
  2. Jeremy Kellogg

    Need an sprite artist, animator, and possible musician

    Sorry, I should have posted this here instead of in Resource Requests. So, here it is. OK folks, here's what I am looking for. I am working on a personal project of mine, one I have been working on since the days of RM2K. I'm creating a sort of "sequel" to the original Final Fantasy from the...
  3. redROCK3T

    Music Pack Question

    Hello all! I have a question that has probably been answered elsewhere, but I needed to introduce myself anyway. I produce music and design sound as a hobby, as well as making games, so I'm making a pack of BGM and other sounds for fun. When I finish, can I post it here for people to download...
  4. Gemluv

    Yo..Gemluv here.

    Hey... Uh..sup? I'm Gemluv... I guess. I do music sometimes, art, and i'm probably making some darkish RPG MV games. ;) I guess if it's okay, shoot me a message on your stuff. Kool?
  5. thunderpow10

    Looking for a Timing-Based battle system

    I don't mean the Theatrhythm battle system, since it doesn't look like it's strategy-based enough. I've been thinking about making a Marching Band RPG, and to fit the theme of music, I was considering making the battle system half timing and half strategy. You see, I want to make skills in the...
  6. zath

    [Commission] Music (and sound effects)

    Hey Makers! I'm a composer, and I write music for RPGs. I've mostly been shuttered away making music for projects that haven't been published yet, but this is definitely what I consider my career. (Not carrying mail. Yeah, I work for USPS, begrudgingly. All respect to mail carriers, but I'm...
  7. zath

    Greetings, I am zath

    Short version: Hi! I make music. For you? Long version: Hello! I'm a composer and sound designer. Or, well... that's my "career", when really my "job" is delivering mail. Except, at the moment, I'm healing up from foot surgery. Good times! So that has left me with a lot of time to poke the...
  8. Valancet

    Krysala: Birth (Demo Available)

    *DEMO NOW AVAILABLE* in the Demos and Testing section. The demo is file is fairly large since it isn't optimized. Credits are included in the folder. Some things aren't final such as the title screen. With no ingame manual implemented yet just play around to see what can be done and shoot me...
  9. Beminfire

    Need Various Hospital Resources

    Hi, I'm using MV to make a horror game. I already have experience with VXA and it looks like I already know everything I need to know. Now to the request. In order to make my game I will need these: - Hospital Tileset - Hospital Patient Sprites - Hospital Doctors/Nurses Sprites - Monster...
  10. Gabriel Moss

    brand new music producer!

    Hi everybody! I'm a budding trance/progressive house producer and full-time marketing student. I've always loved 16-bit RPGs and would love to devote some time into writing music for videogame development. Here's a demo that I just put up today, you can find it at...
  11. Zebestian

    [Paid] Zeb's Soundtrack Shop

    Hello, hello! The name's Zebestian and I make music! I'm mostly self-taught and have been composing soundtracks for about five years now. "Mostly" self-taught because I played the saxophone in my school's orchestra during my high school years where I picked up a thing or two about music as well...
  12. Bizarre Monkey

    Esperia: Stronger Than You (Parody Music Video)

    I know I made a thread earlier about this, but this is a new upload with better sound balancing and it sounds just way better over all. I wrote the lyrics, sung the vocals and my company and I did most of the art. I also have to credit Michael Galefire, Celianna and Mack for some of the things...
  13. Andrew Nightingale

    Importing Music?

    Ok so im do i import music into RPG Maker MV. i know it takes different files now but i cant get any of my music to show up even if i change the file type. anyone know how to fix this? P.S. Sorry if i this question is already up ^^;
  14. Iron Croc

    Post your music!

    Hello everyone. Most forums have a thread like this, so I thought could use one too. Simple. Post your music and leave feedback for prior people who posted. Rules: Follow all forum rules. (Duh.) Leave detailed feedback for prior musicians/composers. Simply "I liked it" or "That...
  15. Sasaki-Kaemon

    Resources Not Showing Up - HELP!

    So I do the same method I'm seeing everywhere I go and for some reason RMMV is not showing them at all. I put everything in the appropriate folder and I even make sure the images are in PNG format and the music is in M4A format or OGG depending on where they go. Nothing shows up. Tried several...
  16. MinisterJay

    Looking for Music Composer

    This job is for the Ball People I : The Revolution project. This is a royalty based assignment. When the game makes funds, you make funds. When the Demo gets enough support, through Steam Greenlight and other venues, we may put it in a crowdfunding campaign. The type of music that I am...
  17. Eatorl

    Hi there.

    Hello, the forum registration said "Present yourself" and I said Alright let's do this so here it is: I am a musician: And I have made some resources for RPG maker. Mainly for VX in the past. Examples: This is an edit made in the time of Vx Ace: And some other things...
  18. cav_dan

    Favorite Soundtrack Thread

    Favorite soundtrack, either for woking or to listen during your daily commute. I'm posting only other stuff soundtracks because I'm that guy, but feel free to share your favorite band and stuff... My current addiction. Can't stop listening to this. Very corny and japanese, but really...