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  1. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Window_MenuStatus TP gauage ?

    I looked and looked through the Window core and I can't find where it draws the tp gauge in the status section of the main menu when tp is active in the database. Inside the Window_MenuStatus is a drawItemStatus and inside that is drawActorSimpleStatus, but within that is only mp, tp, name etc...
  2. S


  3. LTN Games

    [Scripting]Centering drawTextEx

    Curious how one would go about centering drawTextEx according to the windows width? I mean I understand how to do it, but a bit stuck on getting it done correctly. So this is what I attempted... var tx = LTN.Param.windowWidth / 2 ; Assuming this would center the X value of the text properly...
  4. S


  5. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Single Event Not All Events

    Okay, so I'm trying to make this plugin that allows you to set a Visibility Range for an event and whatever that range is the event's opacity will change. So the closer you get the better you see it, the further away from the event the less you see it. I have all I the foundation ready to go...
  6. LTN Games

    [Scripting] Plugin Command Arguments

    So after playing around with the plugin command method, I noticed a few strange issues with it. For starters what if someone else is using the same command name as me, for example: I use CutomPop in my script for a plugin call, but what if someone else used this in their scripts, would this not...
  7. LTN Games

    Learn To Code In JS With A Game

    I stumbled upon this awsome site that teaches you how to code(script) by playing a game. There is a few different languages you can use and Javascript is one of them. This is by far the best way I have seen yet to learn to program in a language. It starts with basic syntax and gradually gets...
  8. PHLiM2

    I've made a few plugins.

    Most of these are very simple edits, except for the location window. That one was a nightmare until I remembered that the map has a note box. XI You may have problems with the Window_BattleStatus plugin if you're using a low...
  9. B


    I was wobdering if anyone of y'all new if ajax is going to be included in the js library, or if we needed to include our own, and how much of a hassle that's going to be? I'm going to make some some sort of platform, where you can fight your friends, trade items and chat with them, and include...
  10. DevoidOS

    Recruited Lethal!

    Sup y'all I'm LethalBlood aka Lethal and I've been using Ace for 2 years now but still haven't made a complete game cause laziness but pre-ordered MV 'cause I fell into the hype train. Mostly because of being able to use JavaScript instead of Ruby.
  11. DevoidOS

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    Hey guys I'm pretty sure that some of you already know some JavaScript. But many of y'all don't. So I've decided to make this thread into where you can share your JavaScript knowledge with the ones who don't. Beginner: Let's get you started with learning most of the important parts for...
  12. Xyphien

    Learn Javascript Basics

    So hosts some good Javascript basic tutorials to give you the gist of how to use Javascript. If anyone wanted to know, or was interested in trying to get into learning JS you should at least check this site out :) Hope this helps anyone who was interested. Share...