Indie Dev

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  1. Beminfire

    Need Various Hospital Resources

    Hi, I'm using MV to make a horror game. I already have experience with VXA and it looks like I already know everything I need to know. Now to the request. In order to make my game I will need these: - Hospital Tileset - Hospital Patient Sprites - Hospital Doctors/Nurses Sprites - Monster...
  2. Lee Hong Sang

    Angel Key

    Plot Angel, who lives by himself, has obsession with solitude. He has no goals or purpose ahead of him and lacks that what an average human has. As time flows on changing everything, it seems to leave Angel alone until all the people in his small town mysteriously disappear. Even though he likes...
  3. PandaMaru

    What do you like most about horror games?

    What are your most favorite horror games and why? Which elements of the games make them good?
  4. HitokiriGensai

    On RM Horror Games

    Hey everyone! These are just some thoughts that came to me while working on my own horror project. I've written this not to educate anyone, because I'm no expert, but rather to open a discussion. What is horror to you? What horror games do you like, and why? I'm a huge fan of indie horror...