Indie Dev

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  1. Desire92

    Hello Game Artists! ^w^

    My Name is Desiree, I am 23 years old and I am on the very Beginning with the RPG Maker MV, but a year ago I started with the Demo of RPG Maker VX ACE and was infected with Joy by this Program. Hope anyday I can help her too, but I'm still a Beginner. Sorry for my bad English, I am german.
  2. Iron Croc

    Dragonfly Night

    (CLICK THE DRAGONFLY PICTURE TO LISTEN TO THE OST TEASER!) "One summer night, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were storming inside my mind. Everything I tried to do to settle down was in vain; precious slumber eluded me. But then... ...A tiny dragonfly landed on my windowsill. It took refuge...
  3. MinisterJay

    Change Game Icon AND Make Game One Executable FIle

    I forgot how do change, the official RPG Maker MV game icon to whatever you want it to be. I remember it is a little more advanced than just changing the graphic in the icon folder. I also would like to know how to make a deployed game file into one file, not a zipped files, but one where the...
  4. MinisterJay

    When did you MAKE you first Game/Module/Campaign?

    For me, I made my first campaign in 1983. It was for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. There was really no need for players to have detailed character bios. Most likely they would die off before reaching level two. Later made campaigns for Tunnels & Trolls. It was not unto the 1990's that I...
  5. Alcha Emy

    The song g chain game!

    Let's make one big song! How it works. I'll post starting lyrics from a real song. Then next poster posts lyrics from a real song, the song names has to have the last word of previous posters lyrics in it's title! Everything is awesome Everything is cool when you're part of a team Everything is...
  6. MinisterJay

    Pre-Setting Up New Game File Size Reduction Technique (Custom Imaged Games)

    Be careful when implementing this technique, and ALWAYS make copies of ORIGINAL folders and files. First off, I love the MV Stripper Tool . It is awesome. I make custom games that use none of the graphics that come with MV's images found in the following folders: battlebacks1, battlebacks2...
  7. LTN Games


    I'm curious about how other people go about making their demo games. Is there a specific way you create your demos? How long would you say a Demo game should be? Do you start your demo at the beginning of the game or do you start it in the middle or somewhere different. I'd like to hear what you...
  8. MinisterJay

    In Development: Ball People I: The Revolution

    UPDATE: This is no longer a concept nor an idea. It has developed into a work in progress, which multiple additions every day. NOTE: These screenshots would not be possible if I was not using eivl's plugin, ET_Fullscreen. Additionally, screenshots of the menu and/or title have the exit game...
  9. MinisterJay

    [SOLVED] Trying to Get Game to Smaller Meg Size...

    The game was way up there, so I removed all battlers that were not being used, deleted all sv content, non-used parallaxes and titles, etc. That knocked my 9 map game down to 265 megs. I then used a MV Stripper application, and that reduced it to 210 megs. While painstakingly uploading to...
  10. MinisterJay

    Plugin to Reduce Size of Game File?

    I thought I saw a plugin for reducing the game's file size to be smaller when completed. Does such a plugin exists? I remember something like it removes everything that is not needed or used. Thanks Jay
  11. MinisterJay

    The "I am" Thread

    Begin a sentence with "I am" . Examples: "I am a genius!" "I am Jamaican", or whatever! Okay? Here goes: I am enjoying having an awesome.
  12. MinisterJay

    Game Design Uniting Global Communities

    One thing I love about being part of game design teams is that you can meet a diversity of people, coming from different cultures and traditions. People coming from a variety of belief systems adds a precious richness to the total story line of a long project. There are also a large variety of...
  13. LTN Games

    Game Resolutions

    So I like to go through numerous things before I dive deep into developing a game and now that I'm using MV I have to take into consideration game resolution. I'm really not sure how to go about this, do I want the user to be able to select a few different resolutions, or do I want to stick with...
  14. VanCentria

    Centria: In Times of War

    Completion: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 6% ( 2 months) Characters: (I apologize for using built-in resources. I really like those.) (Note: These are the characters currently used in the game. Other characters will be added soon.) Van Harold Class: Soldier Profile...
  15. LTN Games

    Learn To Code In JS With A Game

    I stumbled upon this awsome site that teaches you how to code(script) by playing a game. There is a few different languages you can use and Javascript is one of them. This is by far the best way I have seen yet to learn to program in a language. It starts with basic syntax and gradually gets...
  16. Chibae

    Zendir: A new World Remake

    Zendir is a game that was made by Hotfirelegend/eternalshadow on the rpgmaker webs, and he gave permission so i can remake it :P I really love the story and characters in thegame, which is why i chose to remake it. I already have the first dungeon and you can travel to the mainland its playable...
  17. Xyphien

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Special thanks to @PandaMaru for making this banner! Hello everyone, it's been 2 days after the release of MV, and many of you have already had a chance to get accustomed to the program. As you all may know, halloween is right around the corner, and we're going to go ahead and make a Halloween...
  18. LTN Games

    Paste (CTRL + V) In This Topic

    Well it's easy come in here and drop whatever is in your clipboard. I will start. Limit or grow the duration of the balloon pop up icon. This was for a description of one of my small scripts I created. I added it to the resources section :)