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  1. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Hello everyone. I’m proud to be introducing a new challenge/event for anyone who would like to take part in: “The Worst RPG Maker Game Ever” event! About This event is simple: in one month, create a game that is the epitome of awful and terrible to play. Eyesore graphics, ear-bleeding music...
  2. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    After being inspired by the recent Halloween contest as well as the visual novel Atashi no Riri, which was made for a "worst visual novel ever" contest, I wish to host a Worst RPG Maker Game Ever event! In one month, people, either individual or in teams, will have to create a game that is the...
  3. Mr.Anderson

    My worst problem

    So maybe a few of you guys may have already known my problem. My Problem is: I have a ship ingame. Its drivable etc so just the standard rpg maker mv ship. Now i want my Player to visit the interior of that ship. (Like in the game dragon quest 9) Now me and @Cunechan are already searching for an...
  4. Admiral Crayon

    [Solved]Battle condition: Between x% and x% HP

    Hello peeps! I have just created an event inside a battle troop that only triggers when the enemy's HP is between 50% and 75%. Here's how I did it: My issue here is that the event sequence doesn't trigger at all and I can't tell why. The event does trigger if I take off the Enemy HP > 50...
  5. Robert Lee


    Hi All. I want to have a patrolled area where the puzzle is to sneak through while the patrols are moving away from you, hence they are not looking at you. Ideally I would like to do this using just events. Has anyone tried this before with MV? Any pointers in the right direction would be...
  6. MistyDay

    Random in (paralel) events

    Hi again, I need your help once again :) Today I want to create mouse hanging around basement and make sound randomly. I somehow create event (pics bellow), but it does not work at all :( - sound does not play just once :( May be you have challenged similar problem and you could give me some...
  7. CT_Bolt

    Mouse drag event?

    I was playing around with Mouse System Ex by Tor Damian Design. Loving it so far, but then a thought occurred to me... how would I go about dragging an event to another spot? Perhaps this plugin cannot handle this (at least alone). Any suggestions?
  8. N

    Using variable as part of an identifier

    Hi! So in my game I use conditional branches to check the percentage of HP, MP, etc and for example if the result is 50 the game will show a life bar only half full using a Show picture event. The thing is I have several HUD items (HP, MP, Exp, and a couple more) and it takes about 400-500...
  9. U

    Event Direction Script Call

    Hi RPG Makers, I been working on trying to translate this Ace script call to MV and I believe I almost have it. I have an event set up like this: The script code in the conditional branch is: $gameMap.event(this._eventId).x - Math.abs($gamePlayer.x) + $gameMap.event(this._eventId).y -...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Eventing Logic

    !! This guide is not yet complete. If you wish to contribute to largely help explain everything there is about this topic please contact personally or reply in this thread. !! The Art of Eventing Logic Full Guide From Novice To Master Version StatusGearEntertainment Chapter 0...
  11. N

    Refreshing an event's speed

    Hi! So I have a common event that gives knockback via movement route to a map event with a speed of 5, and I want to use $gameMap.event(1).setMoveSpeed to restore the event page's default speed once the movement route finishes. How can I get the event page's default speed? Thank you for your...
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment is back and with a rare appearance of asking an event question. (Because I can nearly do everything and think of it with eventing and logic.) Refer to Diagram 1A. The Diagram 1A The Description The Problem Very Respectfully, StatusGearEntertainment
  13. CynicSyndrome

    Event Script

    Inside an event I want to take the difference between two variables and store it as a third variable. I have found no way to do this and I think that means it will fall under the "script" option. is that right? I know nothing about javascript. can anyone explain to me how I'd accomplish this?
  14. Sly

    [Eventing] Center align in "Show Text"

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to center align the text in the messages (besides put a lot of "spaces" and pray). I need to make a introduction with the text in the center of the screen but the maker only give me option to centering the message box vertically. I don't found a way to center the text...
  15. Xyphien

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Special thanks to @PandaMaru for making this banner! Hello everyone, it's been 2 days after the release of MV, and many of you have already had a chance to get accustomed to the program. As you all may know, halloween is right around the corner, and we're going to go ahead and make a Halloween...