Indie Dev

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  1. SalmonWine

    Ally and Enemy Event Skills?

    Need some help with how formulas work. For the game I've been working, I want attacks that can A.) Target an enemy AND attacker B.) Pick one target, ally or enemy For example, I want to make a skill that kills the user and deals massive damage to one target. Or, make a conversion skill...
  2. noxyoursox

    Battle System: Enemy Escape with EXP

    In my current project the two main protagonists are children during the first part of the game, and I really want to emphasize their helplessness by making them completely unable to kill enemies during that part of the game. My idea was to set those enemies as Immortal, then add an event where...
  3. D

    Basic knowledge to the default RMMV battle flow implementations

    This topic aims to share my understandings to the default RMMV battle flow implementations, and I'll only share basic stuffs which are simplified here. However, you're still assumed to have at least: - Little javascript coding proficiency(having written at least few rudimentary Javascript codes)...
  4. DarcHiro

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    I've made a icon into a weapon, and was wondering if there was any other ideas you guys had for me to make next? I plan to post them all when I'm done... Figured how to do a simple play animation: Use Missile Battler in the Weapons Animation They are mainly just edits, so you'll need to have...
  5. raymi100

    Completed Element Popup Plugin

    Howdy! So, there's this script that Yanfly made for VX Ace that I really like. It's here at this link: https://yanflychanne...lement-popups/ It changes the color of the damage popup based on what element the attack was. I was wondering, is there a version of this script for MV? If not, could...
  6. Val Ray

    RPG Fighter League - A Battle to Finish! (DEMO is out)

    RPG - Fighter League - A Battle to Finish! - (link to dev blog on this project) Demo / Prototype / Link Google Drive (330 mb) For fans of old classic RPG / JRPG fighting mecanics in a world full of secrets and great characters. I would like to have your thoughts on my project thank you! :D...
  7. Sethorion

    Real-Space Combat / Movement

    I'm looking for a real-space combat plugin: Instead of entering Battle Mode and making turn-based attacks, your character would move on the map and slash at enemies and take damage when attacked, like you would in the old Zelda games. A great plugin that accomplished this in VX Ace was the...
  8. S


  9. Totle Starwind

    Plugin to use standardl side view battler as enemy

    Hi I just want to request about a script that allows the official side view battlers (even those that are created from the character generator) as enemy battler.
  10. MinisterJay

    Plugin to Allow 8 Characters to Battle and Be Seen in Front View

    What I am looking for is basically a MV version of Ellye's Battle Interface. You could have up to eight characters in a battle. You could see the back-side of each character. After four characters, a second back row would form. When they would attack the battler, they would move slightly up...
  11. LTN Games

    Battle Systems

    Surprisingly I been developing games in RM since only April ( I think) and I understand everything about it now, from eventing to scripting, to even drawing my own graphics and parallaxing etc etc but surprisingly one thing I am not 100% about is the battle system, and mainly the database, see...