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  1. Nailo

    Finals are coming up ... 0-o

    Finals are coming up ... 0-o
  2. Nailo

    Just made a Witch's Inn with her house next door, and now I am burnt out. );

    Just made a Witch's Inn with her house next door, and now I am burnt out. );
  3. Nailo

    Limitations of MV

    My question is, are there any limitations on how many song files can be loaded in a project file for MV? My project no longer plays music after I placed some new music in the BGM file. Any help is great and if there is a thread already dedicated to this kind of thread i am sorry and will move it.
  4. Nailo

    My first of 12 islands is mapped out. YAY! *Fudderwacks*

    My first of 12 islands is mapped out. YAY! *Fudderwacks*
  5. Nailo

    I need help with sprites for MV.

    It's hard not to.
  6. Nailo

    ................... Hi. ...

    Well I don't know if mapping was the right thing to put on my stats. ... ... I'm in the process of making my first commercial project. ... ... ... so I'm just mapping the game with RMMV. ... ... ... ... is there another?
  7. Nailo

    I need help with sprites for MV.

    I thank you for all you have done for me so far, and that you did this while you were on holiday means even more. other than getting sick I hope you and yours have a good vacation. P.S. I just talked with Hiddenone and she said it was fine for us to do this project and any others we may do in...
  8. Nailo

    I need help with sprites for MV.

    YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! She is turning out so beautifully. I forgot to let you know the clothing is suppose to be purple on her, if that's okay. I hope you get better soon. don't over do it, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest. ... I sound like my wife. lol oh also if you cant keep...
  9. Nailo

    World to big ... ... Don't see the end ... any time soon ... need help with project. ugh ... ...

    World to big ... ... Don't see the end ... any time soon ... need help with project. ugh ... ... ... x_x
  10. Nailo

    I need help with sprites for MV.

    I am sorry for the extravagant request, the body and hair color of the first. the body type of the second and then the clothing and hair style of three. again I'm sorry for the trouble please take your time.
  11. Nailo

    I need help with sprites for MV.

    I have a specific request for someone/group to do, as I suck massively in making any type of sprite or pixel art. I would also like to add that if you are not Cunechan, or Sinistar, please help if you can so that I am not relying only on them, It's not fair to them. I will also be updating this...
  12. Nailo

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Thank you very much for the assist. I'll be looking too. ^-^
  13. Nailo

    ................... Hi. ...

    Thank you. ... The goodbye was just to be ... ... polite to others. ... in some countries they find it ... ... offensive if you don't.
  14. Nailo

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Thank you for the info. Could you give me the site address that you found and I will try to dig from there?
  15. Nailo

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    I looked under each of the tree posts and still cant find it. can you help, I must be blind.
  16. Nailo

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    I love the Purple trees. ...... Will there be a forest set like the summer, fall, and winter? ... That would be nice.
  17. Nailo

    ................... Hi. ...

    ....... I don't talk much, ... so ... hi and goodbye.