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  1. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    I do take commissions for game development related materials such as logos, portraits, character art and facesets but I haven't actually showcased most of my stuff in dA and no one knows I'm taking commissions. LOL. Thank you :-} Here's a new artwork inspired by one of Biz's OCs.
  2. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    For all the League of Legends players out there, here's a fan-art of Heartseeker Vayne on top of Thresh. I'm still not quite good with chibis but I really enjoy drawing them. Update yey. Here's an artwork I whipped up randomly at 2:00 AM because I couldn't sleep. I was too lazy to clean the...
  3. reisen

    I'm using XP?!

    I feel I have a lot to choose from. But honestly, the only engines I would find worth using is VX Ace and MV.
  4. reisen

    This or that?

    Left? Oh wait no, Right. Sorry, I'm bad with directions. MURDER YOUR LONG DISTANCE SIBLING OR MURDER YOUR MOTHER WITH ALZHEIMER'S
  5. reisen

    This or that?

    *high five* Carrots Pizza or Burger
  6. reisen

    This or that?

    Blue Stomp on a fluffy golden retriever puppy or skin alive a kitten?
  7. reisen

    Perseverance Full Clearance: Going to MV

    Here's a few showing her expressions.
  8. reisen

    Banner Revote

    If I remember correctly, I made a recolor of my original logo to fit the theme more. I'm not sure if Xyphien had noticed it at all. ALSO THAT MV-TAN SPRITE IS SO GOOD PANDA OMG
  9. reisen

    Perseverance Full Clearance: Going to MV

    I'm kind of icky on the HUD, I told you this on Skype before but I'm not sure if you read it. It has too much clutter and could really use some simplifying.
  10. reisen


    Hi there Minty! Seems like you're a pixel artist, huh? Looking forward to seeing some of your works here :)
  11. reisen

    oh yeah good bye wards too

    oh yeah good bye wards too
  12. reisen

    Ask Biz anything!

    Have you ever been pleasured by 30 bears?
  13. reisen

    Mascot Contest!

    Just had an idea that our emoticon sets should match the looks of our chosen mascot. Dunno, it'd probably look nice and cute.
  14. reisen


    Thank you :I Glad to see you around. Hoping to see more of that tileset you showed us back then, haha!
  15. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    My tablet's being an a-hole lately and won't cooperate. :( Fortunately, I'm getting a new one soon so I should be able to start drawing OCs of mine. I kind of regret not drawing them earlier because I was really busy with commissions. XC I'm glad someone's expecting to see more from me, it...
  16. reisen


  17. reisen


    Hi Holder. I remember you from RPG Cafe :)
  18. reisen

    Reisen's Gallery

    Yeah, most of my drawings usually lack details since I don't really have too much control over their design. Most of them are commissions. Thank you for the compliment. :) Coloring is my favorite part in drawing.
  19. reisen

    Character Creator

    That's actually a really nice plug-in to add to MV. I hope someone makes it. Sandbox games would greatly benefit from it.