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  1. Lyon Media

    Theme of the Heavens BGM

    Thank you for the music and telling me where to get the program :)
  2. Lyon Media

    Combat System

    I don't know if Galv still takes requests I know he use to in VX Ace every now and then you can contact him through another forum here If that doesn't work then on both of these forums there is a section to ask for help from...
  3. Lyon Media

    Mercenary: The Tavern - dark fantasy story-oriented adventure

    So far it looks really unique and pretty well put together. Watching that I would rate it about a 3.5/5 (witch is really high for me just ask my team lol) the only thing that I really saw that was a little off was the plugin control. A lot of people that are new at game design in general use a...
  4. Lyon Media

    I have a lot of questions...

    1st Question: I don't think there is a way you can do something like that unless when the event goes off killing the person it executes a file drop into the game folder to always tell the computer that she is dead. 2nd Question: Yes of course it is possible to have multi anything you just have...
  5. Lyon Media

    looking for opinions on some ideas

    Yes there is a way to control the screen from an event just make the event and in the third page there is scene control and select open menu screen, or return to tile screen. Depending on what screen you want of course. And as for the animation I think there's a few ways to do this. For the...
  6. Lyon Media

    Worse question to ask, but...

    For fast and free there is codecademy. You can learn all kinds of code here. For a little slower and a fee every month but much much much more effective you could go to digital tutors. They can teach you anything and everything that comes to game design...
  7. Lyon Media

    Combat System

    Ether way you go you'll have to make the weapon some how. Ether make it on the sprite it's self witch you run into the problem you stated that it would always be the same weapon. Or you could make a PNG image of the weapons you have matching them up with the icons. Then edit the battler image...
  8. Lyon Media

    Hey there

    Game design is awesome like that, no one cares about where your from or how well you speak any language. It's something that can bring the world together for a common goal of creation its pretty awesome! And of course no one will judge you for so call noob-questions there's not really such a...
  9. Lyon Media

    Theme of the Heavens BGM

    That sounds awesome! Do you have any hints on how to make music like that? Music is my worst....
  10. Lyon Media

    Mapping(Rivers, Insides, and Outsides)

    I think that the best way would be not to put the river there IF it's just to make the town map to look good. (Witch I'm in no means calling myself and expert or even extremely good.) But I have been going around with surveys and asking people to fill them out and over 80% of people say little...
  11. Lyon Media

    Hello there

    That's awesome, I tried at writing novels once but didn't really get very far. I found that my writing style needs visuals because I suck at making a reader feel like they are in a book, but not to bad at tugging on emotions witch is why I love writing for games lol. So I can't wait to see the...
  12. Lyon Media

    Outdoor Market Tileset [Deleted]

    Just by looking at it, it looks amazingly perfect! I can't wait to try it out. Thank you for making this awesome tileset (cheeky)
  13. Lyon Media

    First parallax map

    They look pretty awesome if you ask me (cheeky) I think you did great! I have never tried to make a parallax map before it seems like it could be a little hard but yours came out perfect your first time.
  14. Lyon Media


    This is a great community to help too :) and no one sucks at making a game your game is your game, you make it how you want and that game is perfect for you! You'll do great and can't wait to see some of the work you'll be putting out there soon!
  15. Lyon Media

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    That sounds amazing and a pretty awesome idea! Today all I did was continue doing research on weapons and went around asking people to take a survey to get a better idea of what RPG players really like in a game lol. Compared to yours I haven't really done a whole lot today... haha
  16. Lyon Media

    Hello there~

    That's great! Really glad to hear that! If you need any help at all don't hastate to ask! Good luck with your first project, can't wait to see it done :)
  17. Lyon Media

    Using OODA to write battler AI

    This is a really great idea and probably one of the smartest AI in the RPG world. I don't know if it could be built EXACTLY the way you want but I do think that plugins like Yanflys battle AI core can defiantly get you close if your willing to put the work into going through each one of your...
  18. Lyon Media

    Teamspeak for Developers!

    Thank you for getting a TeamSpeak up it is very much appreciated and I'll be using it from time to time if I see people on. Thank you again :)
  19. Lyon Media

    Hey Guys!

    Thank you! But no completed works from all of us together yet we all just got together last month. separately we have finished projects but not with RPG Maker. But as soon as we get some out you guys will be the first to know :)
  20. Lyon Media

    Feedback on Weapons Please.

    Me and my team are wanting to know if players prefer lots of different weapon options or little weapon options. The game we are developing right now has three damage types. Piercing, Slashing, and Blunt. Each one is best for different types of armor. So we need to have different weapon...