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Search results

  1. Shineypawn

    Monsters are people too

    Hey Ordmear, Thank for playing and thank you for your reply! That is really kind of you! Yes I know about the battlebacks but so far I haven't found out how to fix it yet. I'll try to fix it again tho.
  2. Shineypawn

    Monsters are people too

    Shineypawn submitted a new resource: Monsters are people too - Be a bad guy raised by monsters, +-2 hour classic rpg Read more about this resource...
  3. Shineypawn

    RPG Maker Monsters are people too 0.96

    The game is about a boy who was raised by monsters. He finds a dark stone that turns the monsters of his hometown against he has to flee and go on an adventure. Game features - non standard storyline - A few puzzles - Various battle motion plugins (by Yanfly) - (a couple of) Custom made...
  4. Shineypawn

    I tried to participate in different projects, no luck until now. But the search has been...

    I tried to participate in different projects, no luck until now. But the search has been inspiring :)
  5. Shineypawn

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    Thanks, but the thing is that this is a non-typical way to have this function, which can make it difficult for new users to understand how to use this functionality. I do believe that this website would do better if the term 'send a message to userx' or 'personal message(pm) user x' would be...
  6. Shineypawn

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    Just a small comment: i can't find the PM button anywhere. Shouldn't it be very obvious?
  7. Shineypawn

    Looking for Some Partners in Crime! (Mystery-RPG Recruitment)

    Hey Amysaurus, Your project sounds very interesting to me. The funny thing is that it is similar to my project, I think we can create something beautiful if we cooperate together. My story is that: "a human grew up between monsters and is 'evil', but in a humorous way, together with his...
  8. Shineypawn

    Rachdale Cheese Demo

    Just played the game for one hour and i'll give some feedback: - I like the whole random element and that you can find resources everywhere at random; it is suprisingly addictive to go around and collect the stuff I needed. - I would have preferred to play trough it a bit faster, lv up faster...
  9. Shineypawn

    Recruitment: Secrets of the Vairfey

    Hello Lore, This sounds like a fun projects :) I would like to help you with the story and dialoge scripts. I can also do some mapping if you would like that. I'm new to this community, but not new to RPG maker and I know my way around the program. I'm hoping to gain some experience in...
  10. Shineypawn

    Hello community

    Thank you :)
  11. Shineypawn

    10,000 Members + HUGE UPDATE!!!

  12. Shineypawn

    Hello community

    Hello rpg maker community, I've been making rpg maker games since, making many small projects when I was little. I'm a real rpg fan and still enjoy playing 2d rpg's. I recently finished doom& destiny and tought it was awesome; and so simple. I would to do a bigger project and I hope I can...
  13. Shineypawn

    TimeLine- Need Musician!

    Hello RevJoystick, I'm in a band a we are currently recording some songs; but what you are looking for is probably something instrumental.. We were working on a song that is kinda like a 'darktown-theme' or maybe a 'forest' theme; orignally with lyrics but we could do a instrumental version...
  14. Shineypawn

    Building games as a passion

    Building games as a passion