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  1. Tyrfang

    Feedback please for levelling system.

    I'm myself working on a Project without Xp. Battle gives no XP, and a dead character means a game over; I want the player to avoid battle as much as he can, because there is little to gain and much to lose. Still, I'm using MrTs "Perks" plugin and I plan to give perks points to the player as...
  2. Tyrfang

    How do you create your bosses?

    Nice! I'm glad that I could be of any help! Of course, what I said about bosses is only my way of doing things, and given that your game is meant to be a funny one, dan't pay to much attention to the dramatic part of my speech. I hope that your boss-fight turns out great :)
  3. Tyrfang

    Afraid of fire?

    Using state is a good idea, still. You could design your ennemies except wild animals to be immune to that state (say, FireScared). And in their strategies, you can make them run away if they are under a given state. Just set the chances of the spell to apply FireScared, and Voilà! Note: you...
  4. Tyrfang

    How do you create your bosses?

    Hmm... i usually divide my bosses in 2 categories: the monster-type and human-type. Generally, I design the monster-type as formidable opponents, with the "big monster bundle": hp and strength, of course, but also moves that help me introducing new feature, like stunning blows or AoE attacks...
  5. Tyrfang

    How do you structure your game making?

    I never finished a RM project, but I have a routine. I always start with the story. I don't need to have a detailed story at first, but I need at least a good world concept, and a "major-goal" for the Heroes. It helps me defining which features will be in the game, in wich environnement the...
  6. Tyrfang

    Hello World!

    Good evening everyone! I'm a french, 26 years old RPGMaker user, started with the RMXP version, and I really loved it (didn't finish a single project though, but started a bunch of it) I bought the RM MV software a couple weeks ago, and after playing around with it, I was really enthousiast! So...