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  1. Izeck

    Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo)

    I appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback (There hasn't been much feedback on this). I've taken notes and will be doing some changes. I've already changed most of the music in the game, but haven't updated the demo to reflect that. I hadn't taken into account the choices thin. I...
  2. Izeck

    Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo)

    Izeck updated Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo) with a new update entry: Customs tiles preview Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Izeck

    RPG Maker Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo) - Customs tiles preview

    New custom tiles (Coming soon) preview: Old tiles (Same location)
  4. Izeck

    It begins...

    Damn, that sucks. Edit: Added more images to OP. Started getting back into my drawing. Haven't drawn in years.
  5. Izeck

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I agree with Dad3353, it took me a while to see a roof. Even after you said it. Might be beause there is no floor, it plays with the head. Af for the stone roof. Imo it looks like grey wood. Maybe add a few cracks here and there. A few missing chips of stone. You could also add a little shading...
  6. Izeck

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I've spent the 2 days drawing some tiles. This is the (still unfinished) result of *sigh* ONE map:
  7. Izeck

    It begins...

    It's really good. I'm not a pro by any means and have never used one before, but I'm able to use it really easily. I'm surprsed at how fast I took to it.
  8. Izeck

    It begins...

    I got the Turcom 6580. They are quite cheap and I am really happy with it. They are $40 and with the code "bc10" I got from this video it was $36. Free shipping. Haha. I sound like a promoter for that company.
  9. Izeck

    It begins...

    I got my drawing tablet yesterday. After some training on how to use it, I have begun to redraw the assets of my game. My first project, a simple tree :) Took a break from tleset making and drew this:
  10. Izeck

    First impresions of my demo.

    I will start by thanking Driftwood Gaming for giving me a chance. I'm so excited to see this and his reaction. And here it is: Kattz Bounty first impresion
  11. Izeck

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Thanks to you guys'/gals' help my project is back in action. I've started working on dungons and learning how to do puzzles. Hopefully I don't get stumped again any time soon.
  12. Izeck

    Need inspiration/ideas

    Those are some really good ones. I'm going to start some mockups and see how it goes. I still need some major help with riddles/puzzle making though. You guys are awesome!
  13. Izeck

    Need inspiration/ideas

    Oh! Thank you. I really like that one lol. As for what I'm looking for. To be honest, that's the problem. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for. I want to make each dungeon into a different experience, something to keep the player entertained. Something that will make them say "Hmm, I...
  14. Izeck

    Need inspiration/ideas

    I'm having a lot of trouble with the riddles and puzzles. My mind just isn't able to come up with any good ones. I've done some light searches for them, but I don't want to copy/paste some other games riddles. I hope I'm explaining myself well.
  15. Izeck

    Need inspiration/ideas

    Thank you. I'll have a go at it and see if it gets my brain moving.
  16. Izeck

    Need inspiration/ideas

    My project has come to a halt. Here is the dilemma: I need to make 5 dungeons (I’ve already made one). Water/Ice, Electric, Fire (Done), Spirit (aka: Nature) and Dark. Fire (This one is complete): The player needs to travel through a cave that has been flooded by lava. The place is filled...
  17. Izeck

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I added some tutorials. I've been stumped for a while now. I need to make some dungeons, but I'm lacking ideas for puzzles =[
  18. Izeck

    I see. Thank you for replying though. Everyone else that I've asked just ignored me.

    I see. Thank you for replying though. Everyone else that I've asked just ignored me.
  19. Izeck

    Hi, William. I was wondering, could you please do a first impresions video on my project? I...

    Hi, William. I was wondering, could you please do a first impresions video on my project? I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
  20. Izeck

    Player.Me Gaming Social Media + Good Promotion for your games

    This is great. I just made my profile. Here's hoping for good things =]