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  1. Tennetry

    Phew, I'm glad. dead computers can cost years of work and treasured memories, we have back ups...

    Phew, I'm glad. dead computers can cost years of work and treasured memories, we have back ups of all of our family photoed just in case a computer dies.
  2. Tennetry

    Damn, really sorry to hear about your machine, i hope you didn't lose too much data.

    Damn, really sorry to hear about your machine, i hope you didn't lose too much data.
  3. Tennetry

    What are you listening to right now?

    I'm currently listening to your standard run of the mill classical music, my 17 day old baby daughter loves it. But I saw the thread name and a thought occurred, this seems like the best place to suggest it. Is there an RPG maker Radio station, kinda like BBC Radio 2 but dedicated entirely to...
  4. Tennetry

    Combat System

    Thanks for the offer, my other issue and why i havnt asked much is I'm a firm believer of equivalent exchange and I'm kinda hard up for disposable income right now, hehe. Hey Lyon, I had a thought this morning on how to pull this off; If you want to give it a try let me know. So here it is, make...
  5. Tennetry

    Combat System

    I don't mind drawing the weapons, because at some point everything that a player sees has been drawn at least once It's mainly for consistency and Immersion. But basically what your saying is my request is only achievable by the use of a plug-in. If that's the case, do you know of any that will...
  6. Tennetry

    Combat System

    Does anyone know if there is a way to have a characters weapon visible throughout the entire combat, not just while striking. I am currently using Side View battle, with animated SV enemies and Weapon Animation. I would also like to be able to achieve this without drawing the weapon on to the...
  7. Tennetry

    Ask Darc Anything!

    That's alright, I have the issue in hand now. And thank you for taking the time to get back to me.
  8. Tennetry

    Ask Darc Anything!

    Pardon my intrusion. Your thread was labeled "Ask me Anything". So do you happen to know any JAVA at all? I'm attempting to use YEP. Main Menu Manager plug in, to hide the skills menu at game start as its going to be introduced later in the game. Iv been at it for nearly 4 hours at the time of...
  9. Tennetry

    Helicopter Blade

    Tennetry updated Helicopter Blade with a new update entry: Screen Shots Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. Tennetry

    RPG Maker Helicopter Blade - Screen Shots

    Sorry, I didn't have these at the time I posted the resource. I decided after i built the helicopter that it needed something more to finish it off. So I went to work for a bit and got a screen shot of the finished scene in action. The rotor blade alternates in single frame actions appearing...
  11. Tennetry

    Helicopter Blade

    Tennetry submitted a new resource: Helicopter Blade - The animated blade section to the Helicopter TIleset I provided. Read more about this resource...
  12. Tennetry

    RPG Maker Helicopter Blade 2016-06-14

    These are the Heli-blades for the Helicopter Tileset I uploaded. For best results make you animation 2 frames long repeated up to 20 frames, using the blade first then the center piece by its self, each cell should be centered, at 700% scale and 50% opacity. Have an event play the animation as a...
  13. Tennetry

    Helicopter Tile set

    Tennetry submitted a new resource: Helicopter Tile set - Generic Helicopter Setpiece Read more about this resource...
  14. Tennetry

    RPG Maker Helicopter Tile set 2016-06-14

    This is a Tile set I have made for my Game in Development (I am hoping sell this game so I cant give out too much information on it just yet). Its used to cover some character dialogue during transit from one place to another. I drew the helicopter after an SH-60 Seahawk. Its not an exact...
  15. Tennetry

    Combat Mechanics; Behind the Curtain of War

    In games combat is a fairly hefty chunk of most of them, not all, but most. In a lot of cases a good combat system can make a game, embedding its self in the hearts and minds of gamer's for generations. (See Final Fantasy 7), Incidentally a bad mechanic will relegate a game to ever mounting...
  16. Tennetry

    Ah, thanks for the directions i was looking for. I seen a few other message boards in the past...

    Ah, thanks for the directions i was looking for. I seen a few other message boards in the past, and some of the occupants there have been nothing short of outright hostile to anyone who leave posts or comments in the wrong places. I'm glad its different here.
  17. Tennetry

    Thanks, I wasn't aware of that, makes sense though owning a website is probably time consuming...

    Thanks, I wasn't aware of that, makes sense though owning a website is probably time consuming. so, I don't have to invite specific people. A conversation is open to everyone?
  18. Tennetry

    I think i might be lost, I'm wanting to start a topic that my self and other can discuss a...

    I think i might be lost, I'm wanting to start a topic that my self and other can discuss a specific area of game design. But I'm not sure how i would go about this. I'm not even sure I'm asking this question in the right place. Not only am i new to your site (just over 24 hours) I'm also new to...
  19. Tennetry

    Open Dyslexic

    Anyway, Id better get back to the grind, drop me a line if you need help with anything.
  20. Tennetry

    Open Dyslexic

    Ah, yes i see. the dreaded sub-title syndrome. "I hope you like watching the bottom two inches of the screen cause that's all you'll be looking at." -T