Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    At this point I just want the jungle biome reward, I wasn't really expecting to get anywhere near the top with supremely rushed work, I don't mind criticism on my game either despite it not really being my best work(game design criticism preferred over story as I just tried to filibuster the...
  2. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    That's sucks but I feel the same, this contest has me started on a real good concept(game design wise) that I can't wait to work on in future projects where I will certainly devote more than 48 hrs of my time working on it
  3. S

    Beyond The Forest[Contest 4/2019] - Previews of the game

    Just a couple of images to see how the game looks.
  4. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Sigh 12:03 Rip 4 days of 12+ hrs of work gone to waste I shouldnt have waited till I got an @ to start working, that was rlly dumb, of me lol I hope people still check it out though, good night.
  5. S

    Beyond The Forest[Contest 4/2019] 2019-05-02

    The Ruler of the Forest has reign the protector of the Jungle for years due to their majestic abilities that they've been blessed with from the gods. Utilizing these abilities, the protector has fended off countless threats to the forest. A new threat to the forest shows, will the Ruler of the...
  6. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I started uploading 10 minutes ago, I'm gonna be shedding tears if it submits at 12:01
  7. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Also I'll likely be submitting my work on the latter half of tomorrow that still is considered on time correct? Or should I submit what I have before 12 today
  8. S

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Shojiki will be participating.