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  1. JHS905

    JHS905 has arrived on the scene!

    Thank you, everyone!
  2. JHS905

    JHS905's Poetry Corner

    That's a very interesting poem. I like it. Here's another poem of mine: Kane (WWE) He is the big red monster That rocked Wrestlemania 23 He is the Undertaker’s brother That he sometimes bothers He is also the big red machine That is on the path of destruction He is Kane And he will show you...
  3. JHS905

    JHS905 has arrived on the scene!

    All right! Having friends is a good thing! :D
  4. JHS905

    JHS905's Poetry Corner

    Thanks. They are. Anyways, here's another poem written by me: Cats Cats are furry Which are always in a hurry They have good eyesight Even in the dark light Cats are quick to see Like a bumblebee Cats can land on their feet Which is hard to beat As always, more will come.
  5. JHS905

    JHS905 has arrived on the scene!

    Thank you everyone. I'm very creative not just in RPG Maker MV, but also in my writings (stories and poetry). I posted my very own Poetry Corner on this website.
  6. JHS905

    Movie Alphabet

    Nacho Libre
  7. JHS905

    Continue the Sentence!

    ...with ketchup following after...
  8. JHS905

    Pokemon Battle

    Blastoise, I choose you!
  9. JHS905

    JHS905's Poetry Corner

    Since I'm an author and I love to write poetry, I've decided to post my poetry on here. Here's my first poem: Reptiles Snakes are cool On a stool They slither with ease And they please Chameleons are great For their trait They come in many colors Like red, blue and green Turtle are cool In a...
  10. JHS905

    JHS905 has arrived on the scene!

    Hello. My name's JHS905 and I got RPG Maker MV for Steam on my Mac when it first came out. I'm currently creating an RPG and I can't wait to make some new friends on here. :)