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  1. Gamescolar

    Distracted NPC Patrols

    That is an interesting play to the script! Upon reviewing, it is feasible! Thank you for your input. It's a great help. So far, we were able to get the script moving as intended thanks to both of your suggestions. :D The event now chases after the marked event instead of the player hahaha...
  2. Gamescolar

    Bloodied Lamb progress is going well. Cheers to finishing this game with the team!

    Bloodied Lamb progress is going well. Cheers to finishing this game with the team!
  3. Gamescolar

    Plugin Shop Stock - managing shop inventory

    Good day Tsukihime, This is quite an interesting plugin! We found your youtube video explaining this and are wondering if this was finished. We're currently trying to make a shop where the main character purchases only 1 unique item in the shop to unlock a new stock. However, we currently have...
  4. Gamescolar

    Inventory Shortcut

    Thank you for that! Placed it in a Common Event with a Conditional Branch set to parallel (With waits in between checks) and Wham, it works! Just wondering if it would affect gameplay somehow since parallel common events tend to chew through RAM.
  5. Gamescolar

    Inventory Shortcut

    Good day! We would like to make a simple game. By not having the player worry too much about the Main Menu, we would give the player direct access to the inventory menu only. This is done by clicking on the Main Menu button. We have tried making a parallel common event which triggers when...
  6. Gamescolar

    Events triggered by events

    Thank you for the really helpful advice! We were able to get it up and running. Now we have less chances of players taking advantage of the terrain against the chase. I appreciate the help :) (Issue resolved)
  7. Gamescolar

    Events triggered by events

    Good day! I'm trying to design a 'smart chase scene' where the monster would chase after the player and learn to jump through obstacles, rather than running blindly around trying to find a way through. A jump movement can be triggered easily by the player since there are Triggers ready to be...
  8. Gamescolar

    Distracted NPC Patrols

    Hey thank you for the response, It's a pretty interesting script, but upon checking, I'm afraid it only affects how an event chases the player. I'm thinking if we could adjust that to have the event chase another event: Like how a moving monster would chase a moving NPC, or a roaming wolf...
  9. Gamescolar

    Distracted NPC Patrols

    Good day! Is there a way for a patrolling NPC to approach an event? Ex: placing a slab of meat on the floor will cause the roaming wolf to approach it, hence giving the player a chance to sneak through. If there is an existing script or an actual method in the engine, point-outs are very...
  10. Gamescolar

    U.K. Buses

    Good day! I've been looking for a sprite sheet or at least a tileset for one of those double decker buses which go around the streets at U.K. They kind of look like the one attached below. Any help, from pointing me to the right direction of where to find it, or a helpful artist out there...
  11. Gamescolar

    Weapon Damage Bonus vs. Class Script

    Hey that's it! Thank you very much! :)
  12. Gamescolar

    Weapon Damage Bonus vs. Class Script

    Good day! I'm currently looking for a script that will allow classes to have Damage % bonus for certain weapon types: Examples are like: Class: Fighter Weapon Proficiency: - Swords : +10% - Axes : +25% - Daggers: -10%...
  13. Gamescolar

    An Addition to the RPG Maker MV Family

    Hey thanks! Yeah, we're looking forward for the support. We'll try to offer what services we can as well! Thank you for the warm welcome :)
  14. Gamescolar

    Character Customization In-game

    Good day, Back when we were working with RMVX Ace, we found an amazing script which made the players customize up to two characters in-game. It was coded by none other than the talented Neon Black. (link below)...
  15. Gamescolar

    Working on the Trevellion universe. A cosmogenesis is at hand!

    Working on the Trevellion universe. A cosmogenesis is at hand!
  16. Gamescolar

    An Addition to the RPG Maker MV Family

    Good day everyone, We represent an indie game development group named 'Gamescolar' which is currently working on a project. Not really well known at the moment, but it would be nice to have our first work out there one day. We have an artist, a coder and a writer/level developer. But our...