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  1. LordBones

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    People just don't want to click away from the site for Mega.
  2. LordBones

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    Thing is it's up to half way in less than a day for quarterly hosting... not like monthly. If it were monthly I'd agree however there are clearly a few people with a little extra cash willing to help out. I partly agree for the primary role of the owner(s) of a site however, this was not a post...
  3. LordBones

    Adv Shadows

    Here's my problem with that and I don't know if you can switch it... Where is the light coming from in a cave? Well it doesn't all come from the west side of the screen, it comes from the entrances so surely that's the opposite side to where the shadows should be
  4. LordBones

    Hello Everyone!

    Best bet is to take a look around, I know Amy is offering her services along with a few musicians who are too. Otherwise, welcome and good luck! When you're ready to show the world and trying to get through greenlight post up your project on here and I'm sure we'll help where we can!
  5. LordBones

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I made some changes to 'spot the player' function. The path way = Doesn't spot, cobble = does spot. It can be expanded by saying how far in front can they see and how far the box expands on their left and right. It'll then implement the squares to look for the player on the fly, regardless of...
  6. LordBones

    Pause BGM on Minimize

    I really like this, this is the first plugin on the forums I'll use without question everytime! Thanks
  7. LordBones

    looking for 3d backgrounds like the ones seen in

    Whatever they're from, even if they're not in any form of media but the image that you're using, it's still a copyright nightmare noone wants to touch. The words for looking for are "Royalty Free" then read their terms of service unless there's a creative commons badge then click and read that.
  8. LordBones

    looking for 3d backgrounds like the ones seen in

    Unfortunately plagiarism is against the law and against the terms of service of this forum and basically all the sites you could upload such without using something like a torrent which is dangerous and still illegal. I personally have no idea, if this was paid I could have hooked you up with a...
  9. LordBones

    looking for 3d backgrounds like the ones seen in

    Custom made ones? Additionally are you willing to pay or is this a free request?
  10. LordBones

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Okay big gif (around 60mb) I implemented the Battle UI into the game. I'm randomly generating the health, use and weapon bars for the current party member and the qty of the equipped items 1, 2 and 3. All elements are coded in a JSON so it's fully moddable. All...
  11. LordBones

    Amy's Pixel Place [Paid]

    Is there a premium on top for commercial use? Edit: Apparently I can't retain information I read 5 minutes ago. Hmm..... I might send you something, well a lot of somethings.
  12. LordBones

    Amy's Pixel Place [Paid]

    One question can you do animations, like if I asked you to do an animation for a sprite swinging a sword or firing an arrow?
  13. LordBones

    Children Body generator parts?

    I agree with the above apart from the paint bit. Here's what I'd do, in photoshop make the body small and the head a little smaller but not as much as the body. Unfortunately it's a little difficult to find an age option in generators.
  14. LordBones


    I think the thing is that really we are following one another in the assets, games and support was create/share with the community. The friends probably won't use this forum to talk on a regular basis because there are better ways to get in contact with people, i.e. Facebook and WhatsApp.
  15. LordBones


    What would adding friends even do though? That's my question, what purpose does it solve? You can message every member, post on their walls and mention them... not sure what this would add but a trophy.
  16. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    My bad forgot this: var $gameInterp = new Game_Interpreter(); That's the first line what I sent before is the second. Forgot that was need because I put it in a plugin.
  17. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    It's simple, didn't think it was at first but that was because I was going to long way round. Simply put this: $gameInterp.pluginCommand("BindPictureToMap",[20,"below_weather"]); into script. Then the 20 would be replaced with $gameVariables.value(NUMBER) so...
  18. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    Hmm I know exactly what you mean. Now the way I did it was by changing the element with some code. I code write you up something that would enable you to do that, that wouldn't be difficult to use, or at least any more difficult than it is now. Give me a little time.
  19. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    Sorry my french isn't very good have you tried adding this script into a command: BindPictureToMap [PICTURE NAME] below_weather Like: BindPictureToMap 20 below_weather After you've done the picture setup.
  20. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    I mean't take a screenshot of the event it's self so I can see if you're doing it right please