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  1. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    The download for the shadows is called "Adv Shadows".
  2. Jodis

    Shadows [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  3. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    I forgot my igloo from my old tiles. Oops lol Glad I remembered them now I am at 8 types of buildings. Now my inside A5 tileset is maxed out rofl.
  4. Jodis

    I am back

    I pry it all go's well with you. God bless and good luck too you and your family.
  5. Jodis

    I am back

    The cpu on the last computer I had would almost max out when i ran mv and the mem as well. So I had problems with the program finally I saved up and got a new one.
  6. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Ok the full shadow tileset is now uploaded if any of you want it.
  7. Jodis

    Shadows [Deleted]

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Shadows - Shadows Read more about this resource...
  8. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    The shadows I use is not a plugin it is put in the b c d and e tiles. Hear is a small sample I use. Let me get the full tileset for it and I will upload it for you all. I have them In my downloads packs some ware on hear but bean gone so long because of the computer crash forgot were. So I will...
  9. Jodis

    I am back

    Had a computer crash was given a computer as a backup and well that one could not run mv well. Then one of the mem sockets fried just a week after I got this computer. Looks like I got it just in time. Now I can run and thing lol. This one is x5 better than the last one. So glad I am back.
  10. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Hear is a screenshot of the test town I have going. It is looking real good. Even got a Chef with his peace pipe and his crops for his pipe. The town wall is the best you can get in a 2d game sense the rounded corners and shadowing I would need would not look right this was the best way. The...
  11. Jodis

    First ever fully virtual Gaming Convention!

    This is cool. You got my props. I am an ex nursing assistant. In times like this WOW.
  12. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Looks fun guys. Cool shot Xyphien lol I like it.
  13. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Good new all I fixed the file SV_body_p01.png and uploaded it to the site today. it is for mv.
  14. Jodis

    SV_body_p01 Color Fix for male body 1.0

    Hear is a fix for the color problem in rpgmaker mv. In the generator if you use clothing with out a shirt you will see a problem with the coloring. in the upper parts of the shadows. It is more noticeable if u change the skin color darker. Now we can have tribe charas in our games.
  15. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    You gave me an idea and hear it is. Thank you.
  16. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Yep all the other stuff was too modern but that set you showed me gives me ideas for my own tiles.
  17. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Thank you, going to look to see if she has any thing else I can use.
  18. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    Well got a fix for the side view going to use plugin.
  19. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    So the generator is updated. I like the improvement on that.
  20. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    Got an update on Mz review I am making a game for my mom on her request. I need Native charas so I was messing in the generator and saw a problem in mv i didn't like. Looked every were for a fix and didn't find one then I said wait I have mz demo Lets see if that is fixed in it. Hear is the...