Indie Dev

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  1. Ash55 | General Discussion Community

    5000 BIG ONES! We recently hit 5000 posts. A big thanks to the members of our community and let's hope that we hit another big milestone very soon. We will be hosting some special events and contests over the coming months so make sure you head on over to and join in the...
  2. Ash55 | General Discussion Community

    We have a few exciting things happening on Discussion Hub right now - Double Hubux Weekend - Just for this weekend, we are offering double Hubux for everything. So get posting and completing specific tasks to earn more Hubux to spend in our shop. Double Hubux Weekend Information Monthly Top...
  3. Ash55 | General Discussion Community

    A small update for you guys. We passed 3000 posts a day or two ago and we're already on our way to hitting our next big milestone. We also recently surpassed 50 members which was nice. Feel free to come on over and check us out. We are also hosting a special one-hour live chat with members of...
  4. Ash55 | General Discussion Community

    Introducing Discussion Hub! Link: We are a general discussion community aiming to help you get a little blast from the past. Cast your mind back to 2014. Life was simple. Forums were full of coloured usernames, special userbars and tight-knit communities. We want...
  5. Ash55

    How do you hire staff?

    I try not to hire from within unless I know that there really is a great member that would make a great staff member already on the forum. The problem that I find is that I don't want an active member to disappear and to turn into a staff member. I usually hire by posting around on promotion...
  6. Ash55

    Custom Addons or Pre-Made?

    I've only requested a custom addon for one of my forums once and that wasn't that major. It was a plugin that allowed me to limit the number of points a user could earn per day based on their activity. I think it only set me back around $10-15 although that project didn't go too far so I might...
  7. Ash55

    Ask me

    4699-CLICK-HERE-TO-UNLOCK I came across it on Forum Promotion after seeing that you wanted to merge it with some of your other forums. That's a hard one because it always changes from time to time. Movie would probably be Doctor Strange. TV show would probably be either Westworld, Billions or...
  8. Ash55

    Gap In Post

    There's a bit of a random gap at the start of all posts for some reason. At first, I thought I had accidentally added some lines when posting but all posts have this gap. I made sure to clear my cache as well but the same gap appears. I have added a screenshot in case other people can't see this...
  9. Ash55

    How much starting content should have?

    A hundred is a good starting amount for your forum. It gives a decent amount of topic and discussion for new users to take part in. Although, it's not just about quantity because it's important that the starting content is actually good and can encourage discussion.
  10. Ash55

    Strict no same niche advertisements? Your opinion on this?

    I remember going on TheAdminZone to try and promote my blog/forum for webmasters as well and that was removed. What's funny is that it was left on the site for a while but was only noticed when I tried to request a site review. And then I complained that there were clearly other webmaster sites...
  11. Ash55

    What are things you do prior to opening up a forum?

    I like to get a lot of content on my site and to have everything ready as well. Simple things like ensuring all the plugins work and having all the right sections created is extremely important. I try to get some users on the site as well before launching to ensure there is enough content for...
  12. Ash55


    Thanks for letting me know. I'm not sure if it will be for me though since I'm not a huge fan of Indie games. I can't remember the exact age but it may have been when I was around 8 or 9. I was loving Club Penguin back then so I created my first fan forum for it on Forumotion
  13. Ash55

    Time for contests?

    It depends on the site size I guess. For example, if your site is brand new then you should have a somewhat lengthy contest duration to give users the time to find out about it and enter. For a contest with over $500 worth of prizes, a milestone is a good indicator for when to end it.
  14. Ash55

    VIP Memberships?

    I've had premium memberships on forums and websites in the past, although they've never really been too successful. I had one general discussion forum where I sold a few memberships but overall they aren't the best money maker. You would definitely need a large and active forum for them to be...
  15. Ash55

    Post Timer Limit

    I'm not sure what the current amount is but I believe it's somewhere around 90+ seconds. I'm not sure if it's the same for replying to threads as well but I think it might be good to reduce the post timer limit. Some of us are fast typers so it's annoying having to wait to post a thread if...
  16. Ash55


    Hello everyone, I am Ash. I am from London, United Kingdom. In my free time, I like to watch my favourite TV shows, play games (on the PlayStation 4), manage my own websites and just visit different forums. I hope to have a great time here at Xyphien with you guys :) Thanks, Ash
  17. Ash55

    Ask me

    Feel free to ask me anything and everything. The first person to ask for my credit card details will get a slap through your laptop screen (joking)