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  1. clark

    Official Skype Group

    I'd like to join this group. My skype ID is EndlessEpicEnt
  2. clark

    Whispers of the Forgotten

    This is the battle UI for Whispers of the Forgotten.
  3. clark

    Screenshot Critique

    Random map
  4. clark

    Clark - Hit Rolls

    clark submitted a new resource: Clark - Hit Rolls - This allows for 'To-Hit' 'To-Cast' and 'To-Crit' type dice rolls. Read more about this resource...
  5. clark

    RPG Maker Clark - Hit Rolls 2016-03-20

    This plugin allows one to setup something from pen and paper games: HIT ROLLS@! The 'Success Rate' of an item, attack, or spell is now treated as it's 'Difficulty'. Hit Rate of a character is now its 'To Hit Roll'. Floor Damage Rate is now 'Cast Roll'. It works like this: First, a check is...
  6. clark

    RPG Maker Clark Damage Controls - Bugfix

    The 'Magnificent' criticals weren't working because of a syntax error. fixed.
  7. clark

    Clark Damage Controls

    clark updated Clark Damage Controls with a new update entry: Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. clark

    Whispers of the Forgotten

    This project has already seen tons of development to its engine. 6 crafting skills, 5 resource gathering skills, 9 traits, 6 schools of magic, level-less system, exp based skill progression, 3 currencies, wield requirements, advanced damage formulas, class less system, skill levels, random loot...
  9. clark

    Customizable base/home, is it possible?

    EST - Build and Decor EX
  10. clark

    Customizable base/home, is it possible?

    estriole has written scripts for vxa that did this... try and see if estriole wrote one for mv. EST is his plugin prefix
  11. clark

    Array question

    say i made an array of strings, if i used the for (var i = 0 ; var i > array.lenth; i++) and wanted to add this._ before each string, how could this be accomplished? say the array is echo, bravo, alpha and i want it to add this._echo this._ bravo etc the end results would be this._echo...
  12. clark

    Array question

    Alright, so if I add var _GameActor_initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers; Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function() {; this._perkPoints = 1; then the variable actor._perkpoints exists for all actors, at 1 point?
  13. clark

    Array question

    actually, I was trying to learn to define a variable related to an actor from your perkpoints script, and i saw this: var paramPPOL = String(parameters['Points On Levels'] || "1 3 5 7 10 13 14 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 65 75 85 90 93 96 98 99"); var paramPPOLD = paramPPOL.split(" "); then...
  14. clark

    Array question

    lets say I have an array... ex [1, 7, 5, 8], named acva and i did this: var acva2 = acva.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < acva2.length; i++) { if (Number(acva2[-i-]) <= 2) this.doStuff(); would it 'doStuff' for 7, 5, and 8? or no?[/I]
  15. clark

    Clark Damage Controls

    clark submitted a new resource: Clark Damage Controls - Control crits, add 'magnificent crits', more in updates Read more about this resource...
  16. clark

    RPG Maker Clark Damage Controls 1.1

    Provides a 'Magnificent Critical' chance, basically a roll to see if you use an alternate critical multiplier, and a customizable crit multipier. for instance, if you set 'magchance' to 5, 1 in 5 times you will use 'magbonus' float as your crit multiplier... 4 in 5 times, you wil use your...
  17. clark

    Clark Exp Limit

    clark updated Clark Exp Limit with a new update entry: Clark Exp Limit 1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. clark

    RPG Maker Clark Exp Limit - Clark Exp Limit 1.1

    cleaned up the code a little.
  19. clark

    no demo... worked a few kinks out of plugins, however.

    no demo... worked a few kinks out of plugins, however.
  20. clark

    Looking forward to sunday. I may have a playable demo done before monday.

    Looking forward to sunday. I may have a playable demo done before monday.