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Search results

  1. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    No worries man. Take care of what's important first. Keep us updated. (blush)
  2. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I would like a follow up. It's been a good month since the contest ended...
  3. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I'm still waiting approval for my post. I submitted the game on time. If anyone wants an alternative link, you can also check out the game here.
  4. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    @Vincent Chu and I just uploaded our entry. Let us know what you think of our submission. (blush)
  5. vigaman

    A Relic in the Jungle [Contest 4/2019] 1.1

    This our entry for the RMMV Game Dev Contest 2019. Story There is a relic that can grant a person one wish if that person can find it. Gareth has a hunch of where the relic will be and goes with William to tell Caitlin how they can bring her father Sean back to life. William, Caitlin, and...
  6. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I'll edit this post to mention the updated team members: Writer (Vincent Chu) Eventer/Scripter Musician Sound Effects Designer
  7. vigaman

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I'm all in to participate in this contest. Sign me up. By the way, I won't be working solo so I'm looking for people to collaborate with. I'm going to be handling graphics and level design mostly, but I'll cover all roles if needed. Here are the roles I want to work with: Writer (found one)...
  8. vigaman

    Halloween Creation Contest

    Same... Did not make it in time ( ._.)
  9. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    This will be my final update here. I'm getting ready to launch to crowdfunding campaign to get the game fully developed. Hopefully it'll turn out well and I'll be posting updates on the Games in Development forum section. And I finally came up with the logo for the game
  10. vigaman

    Halloween Creation Contest

    I wish to enter the HACC
  11. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    Thanks Cunechan, I'm in the process of creating a page for the game and a download link for the demo. As far as this site goes, I go on here ever so often. This place isn't as active as other forums, but I'll post here every now and then.
  12. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    I'm gradually working more on the game, and at the moment I'm finalizing designs for the characters. Here's one of them I just finished with the help of the other artists in the group.
  13. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    Long time putting out an I implemented Moghunter's title plugins as it's a good fit for the project. For now the art are placeholders and the logo will probably change. I just want to see how the custom intro looks when it's in play. I'm still refining the gameplay and creating...
  14. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    Some I put something together to show the overall aesthetic and gameplay for the game. I still need to make custom tilesets, sprites, and animation. I'm going with a black and white palette, but with a few colors popping up.
  15. vigaman

    [Help Wanted] Mad Sin

    More information about the story, art, gameplay and music can be found > here < Synopsis: Mad Sin is a 2D turn-based RPG set in an urban gothic fantasy setting. The story revolves around a mysterious grey fog that lingers into different areas in the world. When the fog reaches into an area, the...
  16. vigaman


    Hey I'm vigaman, and I manufacture video games. I think making games using the RPGMaker MV game engine would be a good start for me.
  17. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    Some more ideas are popping through Game World Character Design Monster Designs Music Some Thoughts I'm going to keep elaborating more to the ideas. So far I get the overall premise for the story as well as the characters involved, but now the next challenge is to see how...
  18. vigaman

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    These ideas have been floating in my head for a while. Hopefully the ideas become more clear. Inspiration Story Characters [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] The Triplets The Living Triplets The Unfortunate 4 Other Characters [/spoiler] Gameplay Goals