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  1. SpizzTrizz

    Would you like to send me your contact details and I can send you the project?

    Would you like to send me your contact details and I can send you the project?
  2. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    Awesome!! I'll try it now! It's still not working! 0_0 This time before I booted up the game, it told me to put all the other ATB plugins below the ATB Core plugin, done that, still no ATB bar showing up.
  3. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    Is Parameters what you're referring to?
  4. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    I didn't know there were additional configurations to plugins? I thought you just either had to turn them OFF or ON.
  5. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    I've actually downloaded all of those and inputted them into MV and they don't work for me.
  6. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    Ah, probably....I've pretty much downloaded every single ATB plugin you've made, with maybe the exceptions for the fixes you've made, would you be able to direct me to a specific plugin that I may need to download?
  7. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    Here it is The ATB bars are not showing up, and all it has done is given my party double turns?? :S
  8. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    Okay I've tried that, I've inputted all the ATB features in that I need, but none of them are working, and my characters are attacking twice each turn
  9. SpizzTrizz

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Delay

    I'm being told this file is a virus?! O_O