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  1. JazzGotBlues

    Probably my crappy laptop, but the game so far has been very original in style anyway!

    Probably my crappy laptop, but the game so far has been very original in style anyway!
  2. JazzGotBlues

    playin it for a bit now, just crashed )_( idk why just entered a house :O

    playin it for a bit now, just crashed )_( idk why just entered a house :O
  3. JazzGotBlues

    What is Missing in RPGs?

    Fully agree with the person Above, Other ways to do this is with real life issues, like lying to your friends, trust issues. Broken friendships and long held grudges. Ofcourse these are the more basic and common onces, but even those can miss inside RPG Games. The basic: Friend take on villian...
  4. JazzGotBlues


    Watch a lot of video's, works the best if you see someone else do it. Google anything with RPG MV after it, there's a big chance you will get positive results. Also just search around on the internet for sprites made by players that are up for free (or paid) just to gain inspiration. It gave...
  5. JazzGotBlues

    Hello guys

    I'm like 50% of you(r age)
  6. JazzGotBlues

    How to create a 3rd type of combat?

    If you have an interesting story with choices that matter, items needed to be gathered and puzzles needed to be solved it's definitly possible to have less combat action.
  7. JazzGotBlues

    Starbird's ask me anything

    When did you start making recourses and what keeps you motivated ;D
  8. JazzGotBlues

    Do we know if they plan on expanding the Character generator?

    I believe adding your own faces to RPG MV is not that hard. But there quite some addons to find on this and other websites. (well I can't give any links here, but assuming there is some work done on this topic hopefully). RPG Maker is as far as I see it very simple. Give the basics and let you...
  9. JazzGotBlues

    Adding Clothes and Hairstyles etc

    Hey guys, I have been searching for it, couldn't find it sadly :/ is it possible to add custom clothes and hairstyles and even eyes etc etc, to the character generator? As I want to make more custom characters and I'm mostly feeling limited with the clothing of the game I hope it's an easy to...
  10. JazzGotBlues

    Discussion: Idea for a gameplay mechanic.

    To be honest, in the beginning of the game (With simple event usage) You could set a spawn location depending on the players choice, Now I don't believe you would have to make the games 8 times when having 8 different spawns, as the only thing needed to be done is making a choice option, give...
  11. JazzGotBlues

    Already looking forward to be more active in this community :O

    Already looking forward to be more active in this community :O
  12. JazzGotBlues

    I only now found you guys!

    For the comming 2/3 weeks I'm just going to test some popular plugins and find out what styles I'm going to use for my game. I have not much experience, but just watching tutorials and keep on trying is the only way. Question: Some basic sorts of plugins I have to use? Like lighting, texts...
  13. JazzGotBlues

    I only now found you guys!

    So I have been searching around on this forums site a bit, well I'm still pretty confused with this all, so a simple starting out guide is welcome. I have used Mv before, deleated it when I needed space. Redownloaded it when I had a really great idea for a game :O I'm hoping to get some...